Archive for April 8th, 2012

Top 10 Viral Marketing Mistakes

1. Failing to understand how to make a marketing piece “viral”Often people create what they call a viral marketing piece when it is nothing more than a brochure and an advertisement. It is way too self serving. It has no possibility of creating buzz. While there is no guaranteed formula for creating a viral marketing […]

Social Media And Parental Guidance

Social media has significant potential for marketing, but it can also be used as a means of keeping tabs on your extended family members. Today families are linking together in social media for the purpose of keeping in touch with a cyber focal point. The results are an unusual bit of family connection in an […]

Making Money With Blogspot

Blogspot, known more commonly as Blogger, is a free platform that allows users to create and host their own blogs. It has become quite popular because the service is so easy and inexpensive. But as fun as blogging is, wouldn’t it be even more fun if you could earn money from the readers that visit […]

Video Streaming And Hollywood Studios

What did the writer’s strike in 2007 mean? Were the writers just hungry for additional capital for their skills? Certainly there are some that think so, but the primary reason for the walk out had to do with an understanding that video streaming on the Internet caused a wrinkle in their contract. In most cases […]

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