Archive for 'Internet and Money' So the audio greeting craze has finally caught on. How can you make your website stand above the rest? Pump up the volume of your audio, of course! Folks have found many different ways to utilize this cool feature, here are a few you can try: 1) Be sure to add a little excitement […]
Jeanette Cates Research tells us that the primary reason people come onto the Internet is to get information. And if you ask them, everyone will say «sure – I want it to be free information.» But let’s think this through. From the early days of the World Wide Web information on the Internet was free. […]
Online forums thrive on the idea of a free exchange of thought. If your business provides a forum you are making it possible for people around the globe to share their ideas and perspectives. Because a single perspective may be at odds with another divergent idea the employment of one or more moderators is vital. […]
Marketing On The Playground (TM) In my experience I have seen many levels of introvert and extrovert. Let me share some of my own. — Invite me to a party — I’d rather have a root canal — Have me speak about something I’m passionate about in front of a group of people — I […]