Archive for 'Marketing Techniques'

The Fault Line In Paid Surveys

We’ve all seen the PPC advertisements or the banner ads – GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS. What’s not to love about the idea of telling someone your opinion and getting paid for it? It’s sort of like talk radio and you get to be the host. Say what you want and be rewarded for it? […]

Benefits of Podcasting for Educators

Stroll across any school campus these days and you’ll see iPods, MP3 players and other types of portable media devices everywhere you look. These trendy gadgets have become a way of life for today’s students and a growing number of educators are starting to capitalize on it through podcasting. Pioneering a powerful new form of […]

List Building And The Hollywood Movie

The head of a movie company sits down with his or her executives and discusses potential movie deals that have optioned. They make a list of the prospects and then reduce the selection to a few they really feel have potential. The executives take that list and begin exploring ideas with creative staff and casting […]

The Hotel Industry – Timeshare

TACKLES TIMESHARING With lower occupancy rates, a sagging economy, and the changing demographics of travelers, hotel industry officials are constantly searching for ways to fill rooms. One hot topic is timesharing. Long considered the bad boy of the hospitality business, timesharing is coming of age in both size and stature. The entrance of companies like […]

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