Archive for 'Marketing Techniques'
Sandra P. Martini We all recognize the importance of having a business plan (even if we haven’t yet done one), but do you recognize the value of a good marketing plan? While most marketing plans take up a few pages of the standard business plan, I recommend you take the time to create a dynamic […]
Willie Crawford Over the past 10 years, I’ve had dozens of friends, who had successful online businesses, tell me that they were going to quit the Internet marketing business and do something else. Over the past 10 years, I’ve gone to hundreds of websites to discover that the owners of the sites had left the […]
Rasheed Ali Have you ever wondered what the secret to quick and easy financial success is? Well, one of those secrets for more and more people around the world who are just like you and me is, starting your own internet home business! The thing is though, that there are some hidden secrets that the […]
Top web sites are site lists focused around a common topic, for example clip art, pets, music etc. Sites on these lists are ranked in order of «votes» – the site that gets voted most gets the top place, the site that gets the 2nd biggest amount of votes gets the second place and so […]