Archive for 'Marketing Techniques'
Some hard hitting sales questions you need to ask yourself if you’re in sales. Here are some hard hitting, soul searching questions to ask yourself if you’re in sales. Either as a sales manager or sales person. You can add to it by asking would you do next year what you did this last year? […]
www. Every day, countless individuals sign on with various home business strategies looking for a way to find personal freedom and financial independence. Some make wise decisions that lead to a lifetime of prosperity. Too many, however, embrace flawed models that create nothing but disappointment. There are so many home business strategies available, that […]
Vision Business Concepts Inc For some business owners, the definition of an Internet marketing strategy is merely having a website. While that may have worked ten years ago, trying to compete with 8 billion other web pages today will simply be ineffective. Without defining your key strategies, your site will have no power to bring […]
The use of search engines in locating information has become so central to our daily lives that it is hard to imagine a world where one cannot simply “google” driving directions just before heading out to the car. This availability of information, unprecedented in human history, is still a new concept, yet it has revolutionized […]