Archive for 'Marketing Techniques'
In the not too distant past, pop-up windows were all the rage for marketing on the internet. Every time we opened a web page, we were bombarded with various offers of goods or services. It had gotten to the point where surfing the internet was like playing a video game—Kill the Pop-ups or Die Trying. […]
Inspiration, Inc Did you know that the average person will spend less than 15 seconds reading your webpage? So much for all that perfectly-precise text where you describe absolutely everything you do in loving detail! Guess what-no one’s reading it. They’re skimming. Are you skimming now? A couple months ago I bought some website traffic […]
You are a webmaster, you have spent a lot of time putting together a great website and now you want to drive traffic to it. What are your options? Short term, you will need to promote your site through advertising, traffic exchanges, traffic wholesalers and pay per click (PPC) campaigns but longer term you really […]
John Thornhill “The eBay eBook market is dead, flooded, useless and a waste of time.” I am a little tired of reading those comments in various forums and message boards. In my opinion the eBay eBook market has never been better, that is if you know how to use eBay to your advantage. You may/may […]