Offering A Guarantee: Increase Attendance By Promising Value

Many event planners, especially in the seminar and commercial events verticals, are always looking for new and innovative ways to increase attendance and revenue. While many event organizers have instituted strict refund policies when you register for an event they may actually be hurting their bottom line instead of protecting revenue. Think about it: do you trust me more if I tell you that there are a lot of rules surrounding the return of my product, or if I tell you that if you’re not satisfied, for any reason at all you can return the product, no questions asked? The answer is in the implication that there may be a reason to return the product versus the assumption that there couldn’t possibly be a reason to return the item. And the same is true for services or events. Getting Away from Refund Policies Countless times when we’ve explained to meeting planners that their complex refund policies may actually be hurting them they have been in disbelief. It’s understandable because refund policies are supposed to protect the event organizer from people taking advantage of their event and then getting their money back and thereby getting something for nothing. But the downside to refund policies is that they can have a negative effect on potential registrants. The negative effects of refund policies come in two forms: questioning and hesitation. When a potential attendee sees a complex refund policy it may occur to them that the reason you have such a complex and upfront policy is because you have received many refund requests in the past.

Could this be because your event doesn’t deliver as promised? Do you not trust your attendees? Many questions spring to mind that may give your potential attendee second thoughts. Any hesitation on the part of your potential attendee is a distraction that prevents them from completing registration and attending your event. If your potential attendees need to plan several months or quarters ahead to attend your event a restrictive refund policy could be a factor in them not registering right away. If you have done all the advertising and marketing to get your registration form in front of an attendee you don’t want anything on the form that would cause them to think «maybe I should come back next week…» or «maybe I should put this off until I know my schedule better.» If you require lots of commitment upfront, you are going to lose a lot of potential registrants. How to Structure a Guarantee Unconditional, money-back guarantees are the way to go when you want to offer assurance to your registrants that the value you promise is the value they will receive. Whenever you’re selling something confidence is what helps you close the deal. No one wants to deal with someone who isn’t confident in their ability to do as promised. Publicizing your guarantee is as easy as showing the guarantee everywhere you mention the price of your event. Put this in your emails, promotional materials, registration form and registration website. Our experience has shown that offering a guarantee increases registrations to the point where any refunds you do actually need to give out are far outweighed by the extra revenue. Try it out with your next event and let us know the results!

How to Earn Money in Retirement and Beat the Pension Crisis

The call to earn money in retirement is fast becoming a necessity and this is so because when you retire from the workplace you continue forevermore to face the prospect of escalating living expenses: food, shelter; clothing, power supply, insurances, communications, income tax, etc, with less left over than you had at your disposal before for enjoying the minor luxuries of life. For the majority of seniors the prospect is doubly daunting as a direct result of vastly reduced incomings due to the world wide pension crisis and so the need to earn money in retirement becomes imperative. What do you do when there is too much month left at the end of your pension; do you bite the bullet and settle for cutbacks in the quality of life? Not inevitably so because with tried and tested guidance you can stretch your abilities to make some extra cash in retirement and for some this is not so much an option as a necessity.

How do you visualize life in retirement? You have reached or are approaching your 60th/65th year and are eligible for retirement.

Or maybe you’re only 50 and opted out early. o Do you punch the air with a tightly clenched fist now that you have finally escaped from the workplace? o Or do you ask yourself, ‘What do I do now?’ For many retirees, lounging around the house or lying in the sun in a deck chair is not a prerequisite for third age enjoyment and fulfilment. While the world is undoubtedly aging and the number of elderly people is increasing, the current crop of senior citizens is in better health and lead longer, more active lives than their parents did. o They want action, not eternal relaxation; o Excitement, not enforced leisure; o Accomplishment, not resignation. Conventional retirement is just too dreary, and many remain emotionally unprepared to throw the working life concept entirely to the wind. Some could also make good use of opportunities to increase basic income. So, in lieu of conventional retirement, a significant number of third age people are turning to entrepreneurship as an alternative. With valuable commercial skills acquired through years of practical experience, many of these retirees give serious consideration to launching their own businesses. They believe they still have what it takes and are highly motivated to succeed on their own. Is it hard to earn money in retirement? o Is it so restrictive that only a small number can succeed? o Is it so demanding that only able-bodied retirees can make a go of it? o Is it so difficult that only the super-intelligent stand a chance? No – anyone can do it.

If, for example, you are disabled or handicapped to some degree and would find it impossible to engage in a physical money-making activity you can still participate in ‘online’ enterprise – for which alternative route you will find many options. So who is Jim Green and why should you read what he has to say about how to earn money in retirement? Jim Green is 75 years young and as active in business as he was 50 years ago. He is also a bestselling author with 24 titles to his credit including «Your Retirement Masterplan» and «Earn Money in Retirement»

The Internet Marketing Buzz: Are You Going To Be In Or Out?

Internet marketing has grown to huge proportions these past few years.

It seems like if you are doing research to get the word out about your Internet business or website, you are able to find plenty of information about Internet marketing search engine placement, and other types of marketing ideas. So what is going to work for your business? Internet marketing can be a hard nut to crack. It is definitely confusing to understand what the particular Internet marketing solution is for your business, but once you understand what direction you are headed and how to market your company, you are already halfway there to getting a lot of business for your company from the Internet.

New business owners, especially those who run smaller businesses, may not think that they need to concern themselves with Internet marketing, when they can try traditional marketing for their business.

Smaller business owners can’t see how a good Internet marketing search engine placement is going to bring much more business into their shops than a yellow page ad. Even those business owners, who are primarily on the Internet with their businesses, don’t really understand the importance of solid Internet marketing. Some of these business owners seem to think that by advertising on the Internet, they are going to be bombarded by work at home Internet marketing business schemes and other Internet marketing solutions that have absolutely no relevance to their businesses. So what exactly do you have to do to get yourself into the Internet marketing game? Doing research on your competitors and similar businesses is going to definitely give you a leg up. Even if you are a local business, and you have no competition, you may want to check out your competition in other areas, to give you some good ideas. With other websites, find out what they are doing and how they’re doing it to win the game. Sure, for some businesses, Internet marketing is going to be pretty expensive. If you are just starting out, you may not want to plunk down all of your budget for advertising into this type of marketing. As time goes on, you are going to want to add more and more of your money into getting to the top of the search engine results, which means that people will be able to find your business easily on the web, and you will get new customers from the buzz of the Internet.

Over time, Internet marketing is going to definitely boost your revenue and build your customer base. Time and patience is definitely needed, and learning about Internet marketing is going to really increase your profits more quickly and give you an advantage over everyone else who has no idea what they are doing. . The Internet is more than just work at home Internet marketing business proposals and those who do a bit of research are sure to find the best Internet marketing solution for their businesses. Doing a little research in the beginning is definitely going to pay off. Once you get the Internet marketing nut cracked, you are going to see the sweet rewards of more business, higher profits and higher quality customers.

2 Ways To Make Money Online

Patric Chan There are 2 types of approaches you can choose when it comes to creating an info-product. It’s either you be creative or innovative. Creative means, you observe the market and come up with a good solution. Basically, using your brain to think of how your info - product can solve the existing problem of what the market is having. Like, if you see there are a lot of people having a problem to write a salesletter, you come up with a salesletter generator software. Or, if you see that a lot of people are trying to organized their joint venture’s details, you can create a joint venture profile software. Basically, you’ll be the first person to hit the market. Make sense? But if you want to minimize your risk of failure and make money fast, I’ll prefer to be an innovator. Observe the existing products created to fulfill the demand of a market. See how good the sales volume is. Then, I’ll be an innovator to provide better Solution or tap on the existing opportunity. Not sure what this means? Let me explain … If you happen to see in the market, there are a lot of salesletter generator software right now because there are a lot of innovative marketers.

Another example of an innovator marketer — A relatively new company call PayDotCom that provides similar service like It was launched successfully following the creative company called was the first (That I know of) website that provides credit card processing service with built-in affiliate tracking program for internet marketers to use. Now, there are more innovative marketers that have created affiliate tracking tool that can be integrated with other credit card processors like, 2checkout,, etc. Innovative marketing doesn’t limit to copying what is successful and trying to be better, bigger or cheaper. That’s a very narrow observation on how to be profitable and it’ll normally fails. Just by adding these 2 extra ingredients in it, you’ll change the whole profit model: 1. Finding an angle Finding an angle means how you can position yourself unique from the originator. Example, was a success. But other affiliate tracking tools that did not have a built-in credit card processor were very successful as well by integrating with third party credit card company. Paydotcom is also another good example of this. They solve the core problem. 2. Complimenting to the pioneer Create an info-product that can ride on the existing successful market. Let’s take as an example for discussion purpose. There are many new tools created to enhance the convenience of using Clickbank. Examples are: Software to manage your affiliates; Software to extract your Clickbank sales report into a Microsoft Excel file; Software to create search engine Tool that is integrated with Clickbank ID; Video tutorials how to setup account; and many more. Observe what’s happening on the internet. Then, decide whether becoming a creative or innovative marketer will give you more profit and yet can reduce your workload.


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