Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And How To Drive More Traffic

The internet tool that would be wildly used is the Search Engine. There are a lot of methods to get the quality traffic with out having to pay the money. And Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the term wildly used today, too. It is the utilizing tools and methods in making your websites to the top ten or higher ranking in the search engine result. Because almost people who use search engine will using the only top ten results on the first page.

There are a lot of subject you have to change in your websites for SEO.

There are a lot of websites will provide you the articles that offer tips tricks, roadmaps or guidelines in how to get more traffic using the free method. If you use these free methods, you will drive more traffic to your websites. You could be try and patient. Learn more about the methods and you will have the great traffic flow. Link Exchange This is the easy method. Now, you will see many websites have a link to other websites with the same subject. Webmasters are willing to exchange links with the other sites. Link exchanges make your chance to getting the good rank in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). The more incoming-links you have, the more traffic you get. Write and Submit Articles Now, there are a lot of free article directory websites. They offer free submit and posting of your articles. You only spend the time in writing your free articles. You will write the articles about the tips, information or guidelines that are theme along with the subject of your websites. And submit them to the free article directory website. There is the “Resource box” or “About author” section at the bottom of your article that you should provide data about yourself and your websites. If you provide the interesting articles, the people will go to your website by click the link in this section. And with the good keywords in your articles, you could get the high ranking in SERP, too.

Forums and Online Communities This method only takes your time. You can share your experience, information and discussion with the communities. You will post and reply the topic with the quality content. Show them what you are made of. You will get the free advertising from the forums that have the same subject with your websites. You should target the certain group that is the right people that you are looking for. In many forums and online communities, you will have permit to add your links in the signature. Newsletter It sounds like hard work because of the newsletter’s contents. But the benefit is almost higher than the other methods. You can use the newsletters to provide the people with the interesting, news or product contents. Please keep in mind that, if there are a lot people sign up for your newsletter, you will the more quality traffic. Link exchange It works well especially when your website and your link exchange website feature the same subject.

Web Design For Search Engines

Summary: Search engines don’t give higher rankings for a pretty site, but they do pay attention to what you say and how you say it – make that your priority and the rest will fall into place. There’s an old saying, “People vote with their pocketbook.” I’d like to suggest they also vote with their apathy. Current popularity choices are in a constant state of flux. There are times when site visitors seem to respond to flash technology while other times the simple site of flash will cause them to use their back button. They just don’t have the enthusiasm they need to venture through yet another animated flash design.

Sometimes visitors enjoy a stripped down site that is easy to navigate with limited bells and whistles while other times it appears sites with surprises and a graphic intense format captures attention.

The problem is knowing which format is popular at any given time.

Sometimes your site design should operate independent of what seems to be gaining the most immediate attention. I had been told about a site that had information I was interested in. I went to the site was met with a broad range of bells and whistles. I had no idea which function did what, but it looked cool and the sounds were great. I left with a sense of appreciation for complex site design, but never returned because I couldn’t easily find what I needed. You can develop a site design that is both inviting and easy to navigate. Many web designers feel that you must sometimes sacrifice one for the other, but I’ve never found that to be true. Web design is a simple mechanism that takes all your work and strains it into a comprehensive, yet condensed, representation of your greatest dreams and fondest hopes. Sometimes the focus of the site can shift from what is most important in the overall understanding of your business idea to glamorous ways to present the site. If you take a look you can find sites that seem to be more about looking good than they are about helping a visitor understand the business and products well enough to convert to consumer status. Brick and mortar stores may give their showroom a facelift from time to time, but they also understand the decorations are not what makes the business.

If the decorations are wonderful they may see more visitors, but they may only be interested in seeing what it looks like with little interest in what’s being sold. In web design the first things to attend to are comprehensive content and easy navigation. Any dressing up of the site can wait until you know what your site will say and how you will get from one location on the site to the next in the fewest clicks (generally no more than two). Search engines don’t give higher rankings for a pretty site, but they do pay attention to what you say and how you say it – make that your priority and the rest will fall into place.

Position Your Home Based Business To Profit From Debt

A variety of recognized financial experts suggest the biggest problem facing North Americans today is personal debt. We are a society that believes in and practices instant gratification. North Americans owe more money now than ever before. Installment debt, including auto loans and credit-card balances topped a record $1 trillion in 2006 – a one-third increase in just the past two years.

Over the past decade, total household debt has soared from 80 to 93 percent of annual disposable income. More people declare bankruptcy each year than graduate from college. The situation today is polar opposite to the one our grandparents faced. A generation or two ago, Grandma and Granddad paid cash for just about every thing. They would have a mortgage and monthly bills and that was usually it. If they wanted something else, they saved for it and purchased the item in cash. Credit cards hadn’t been invented and the banks were not the hyper-competitive organizations they are today. Nowadays, if we want something, the likely plan of action is to whip out the credit card or make a mad dash for the line of credit, make the purchase and bring it home. The small details of how to pay for it or even how much more it’s going to cost us because of the interest on the loan are conveniently pushed aside in a rush to watch the football game on the new hi-definition big screen. North Americans are bleeding their financial health away by ignoring the long term ramifications of their purchasing habits. It’s a sorry situation but our subject is running a home based business – not debt management. So what the heck you may ask, does this have to do with starting and running a successful home based business. Plenty actually because millions are searching the internet looking for a business opportunity not only because it offers the great lifestyle but also the potential of big earnings to help get them out of debt. An honorable goal by any standards and one to which we can help; especially if we are fine tuned to the needs and wants of this new breed of prospects. Those of us lucky enough to work in the home based business industry know the benefits, both financial and lifestyle that make it so appealing to the masses.

If you’re lucky enough to find the right opportunity, put in the necessary time and effort to give yourself an excellent chance of success, then a six or multiple six figure income (or higher) is absolutely realistic.

Combine that with the fantastic tax advantages that come from operating a home based business.

Then add the investment power your added income gives you and you can be on the way to complete financial freedom in as little as five years. Packaged correctly and marketed to your prospects, this is an irresistible combination that can increase your sales to new and exciting heights. One of the best ways to benefit most from this wave of prospects is to be creative in how you help your less affluent prospects get started in the business. Something as simple as a taking the time to connect properly and instill a sense of belonging or a little well-placed advice on where to find the funds to get started may be all that’s required to sign up your next star consultant. Some entrepreneurs suggest it’s not worth your time dealing with folks who haven’t got the funds to get started immediately but I will suggest just the opposite. While it’s true that you do get a lot of tire kickers and wannabes taking up your time and screening is a necessary evil, everybody has heard the tales of consultants who went from rags to riches and made fortunes in this industry even though they started with next to nothing but desire to succeed and a little help along the way. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one, two or several of those on your team? Debt levels in North America are forecasted to continue rising. This means a steady stream of prospects looking at starting a home based business as a means to eradicate their financial concerns and to facilitate a move to a life of abundance.

A savvy home based entrepreneur that puts him/herself in a position to offer an attractive business model combined with a compassionate approach that is sensitive to the needs of the prospect will see the benefits of vastly increased sales.

Pick Yourself A Guru

Homer Farey What is a Guru? A guru is just another name for a teacher, a mentor. On the internet, a guru is recognised as someone who has lots of experience and has made the grade. He/She has set up a business that is financially successful and is willing to pass on their knowledge to other, less experienced web users. Are you a Guru? If not, please read on. The majority of internet Gurus are only too happy to teach. Therefore, becoming a Guru in the true sense of the word. Pick yourself a Guru. There are at least a dozen who not only publish a newsletter with articles showing some of the tricks of their trade but have also published books showing in detail the best ways of running a business.

Learn from the real experts. There are hundreds of people out there who purport to be experts in e-commerce. Most of them have just read a few books on the subject and in turn composed their own book comprised of second hand information. You may well ask ‘What’s wrong with that? It’s the same information written in a different style.’ I consider it to be cheating, even if it is within the law. The problem is a mixture of different techniques can cause confusion and fail completely in it’s purpose. I’m not a guru. I am not making thousands of pounds every month. I make as much as I need and take the rest of the week off. You may well ask ‘In that case, why should I take any notice of you?’ That is a very good question. It’s only fair that I try to answer it. I have been on the internet for over seven years. Three years ago I decided to start my own business selling information products on-line. I had no idea as to how I was going to do it but I made the descision. I read a lot of books on the subject. I tried this way and that. Every author seemed to have his/her own method of doing things. Each one believed that their way was the only way to attain success. The point was that each way worked for that particular individual. This was most confusing. I spent a lot of time and money going one way, only to be side tracked into a different direction by another well meaning expert using an entirely different method. I was about to give up the whole idea and save what money that I had left when a phrase in one book took my attention. It went like this. “There are as many right ways of setting up a business on the internet as there are wrong ways. You can mix up lots of different wrong ways and still get it wrong. On the other hand, if you mix up a number of different right ways of doing it you are likely to have found yet another way of doing it wrong. In other words. A mixture of different techniques can cause confusion and completely fail in its purpose. It was patently obvious what I was doing wrong. I am sure you can see the point that I am trying to make.

There are a number of right ways. There are probably a number of other right ways that have not been discovered yet. Human nature being what it is, it’s probably easier to find a wrong way than a right one. Make your choice. Each Guru has a successful way of starting and running a business on-line. Pick just one Guru and study his/her system. Don’t be sidetracked. Study your chosen system. Your Guru made it work. You can make it work for you. Who are these Gurus? I could give you a list. It would be subjective in as much as they may not be the ones that another person would choose. The one that I chose may not suit your temperament. It’s up to you to make the choice. There are at least a dozen well known figures who are making at least a six figure income who started from scratch with little money but a lot of determination . They made it. So can you. Don’t even think of giving up. You can do whatever you believe you can do. Until you try you have no ides of your potential. Get in there. Give it a go. Homer

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