Mark Nenadic Ask the experts about the most vital parts of online marketing, and you’ll invariably come up with a list of five major responses.
These five critical online marketing principles are: 1.
Dead-ends 2. Giving and selling 3. Trust 4. Push and pull 5. Niche marketing The dead-end principle means that your web marketing effort can’t just exist. It must give prospective customers a reason to look around and take action. Otherwise, it’s the same as having them see your ad, then turn around and go elsewhere – your ad was a dead-end to them, they didn’t get anything out of it. No matter how informative your website is, with gorgeous graphics and a winning layout, if it does not encourage your visitors to take certain actions, then it is just taking up web space and isn’t actually filling a purpose. Therefore, when you’re designing your web marketing strategy, before even building your site, you’ll need to ask yourself how you’ll obtain your visitors. You’ll then need to choose which activities will get you to these results, and which of them can be done in-house, as others are outsourced. The giving and selling principle refers to the fact that when people shop online, they expect to receive something a little extra. Therefore, one fantastic method for attracting customers to your website is to give something to them for free, and then attempt to sell them something else. The strategy typically goes as follows: the first step is to attract people to your site using a good amount of free information.
The second step is to inform these prospective customers about your products and services. The free stuff doesn’t need to be something tangible. Even the information has value, and then once they’re hooked, they’re ready to learn about what you have to sell them. Trust is an extremely important principle for web marketing. In fact, many experts believe that it is the most important of all the other principles for selling your products and services. Without this trust, people simply won’t buy from you and you won’t have a business. Trust is built in a number of ways. This can include selling well known and respected name brands, by clearly displaying your privacy, shipping, and return policies, by joining well known and respected organizations, and by offering guarantees that you’ll stand by. A customer-friendly system based on quality and transparency allows you to build your credibility and will earn the trust of your prospective customers, leading to more sales of your products and services. The push and pull principle works by pulling people into your website using attractive content, and then pushing your information to them on a regular basis using email. This can be done in a number of ways; most commonly, this has to do with opt-in programs such as newsletters and updates about sales and other promotions. Since websites are relatively passive, it is extremely useful to add an active element to your marketing campaign that will remind your prospective customers of your existence, and entice them to act on what you have to offer. Niche marketing has become a vital part of the web marketing industry. It is a recognized fact that to be successful, especially with an online business, you need to know your niche, and market directly to them. With a small business, finding the niche must be filled in order to give them enough leverage against the competition. A niche allows a business, no matter how large or small, to focus on a certain corner of the marketplace, limiting the competition, and focusing on the precise type of person who is most likely to become a customer.
The key to niche marketing is to begin with a business plan to identify and define your focus and purpose, and then build your website and marketing strategy based upon the vision you’ve outlined. This encourages consistency and accuracy throughout your web marketing efforts. All of these principles are very important to creating a successful marketing strategy online. By making sure that these principles are all fulfilled, you can be certain that you’ll increase your number of new visitors, and – perhaps more importantly – encourage past and current customers to return.
Filed Under Internet and Money | Comments Off on The Five Basic Principles of Online Marketing It just amazes me how many new marketers start their journey by looking for something that will make them money instead of something that will make them happy. After all is said and done, it’s not really the money that anyone is looking for but rather what the money can do for us.
To be making pockets full of cash and hating what you do would be awful. (lol, well at least not as awful as not making money and still being miserable). My point is that if it don’t feel good don’t do it and don’t expect any customers to do it either. Chances are if your doing what makes you smile and makes your day a little brighter it will have the same affect on your associates, members, subscribers, customers, grand kids, spouses, and even mother in laws. When the process of making yourself happy becomes number one priority it also becomes clear that getting what you Really want and what you Really need is what makes it happen, and then you take that process and transfer it or rather pass it on to your customers. What do you Really want? Just be creative and flexible and go and get it or go and make it happen. Then find out what your customers Really want? Are they visiting your online hardware store and clicking on drills? What is it that they Really want? A hole! So you need to be able to offer several ways of making holes. What’s going to fill those holes? where are the holes? how many holes are they going to need? Oh my goodness it’s getting fun because I see the opportunity for continuing contact and up-sales. If their making and filling holes then their building something, so why not offer them everything they need to finish their project, and that first click on a drill may turn out to be continuing orders for everything that it takes for a construction company to build homes or boats or birdhouses, or for that matter, Your Dreams. I’m not going to get into tactics and strategies to find out exactly what it is that your customers may Really want and I’m sure that if your reading this article then you will also be the type that learns how to use surveys and auto-responders and list builders in order to help you to build a loyal repeat order customer base. The main thing though, to always remember is that if your not happy then you will not be able make your customers happy. Internet marketing can be awesome at times and have you dancing on the moon but it can also turn on a dime (and it will often) and become a very humbling and discouraging experience.
Most of us, especially me and other Americans have been raised in the Now generation. We want it Now, and we want it Easy. Does it happen?, usually not and is the cause for most of the frustration that new marketers face. Understand that it Will take time and it Wont be easy, but, it can be simple. The sells techniques and basic marketing skills are time tested and will pretty much always remain the same so if you learn those and make a plan and follow your plan then it’s simple in that marketing just becomes second nature and step by step. What do I do when it just seems like I’m fighting a losing battle, like I’m butting my head against the wall, and thinking success will never happen for me? My suggestions are to fight harder, pad the walls, and use your most important tool (your mind) to trick yourself or to pretend that everything is beautiful. The human mind is a wonderful mechanism and is set up in a way that Will make whatever we want to happen, happen. One fantastic thing about your mind is that it will only entertain one emotion at a time, either positive or negative. Negative emotion, of course can only be harmful to a business but your mind will accommodateyou with all that you ask for, as in the scenario above, if you think marketing hard, then it’s hard. If you feel like butting your head against the walls, then believe me, you better pad those walls because your mind Will have you breaking out the Band-Aids eventually and negative emotion Will bring everything to a grinding halt. You have the ability to change all of that and to guide your mind in the positive direction, and it is so simple. Just take action! Any action. Action is «positive» no matter how small or how silly an action is it is always positive. Don’t believe me?, you think I’m about to get into a bunch of psychobabble?, then try this. Jump up out of your chair right now and spin around swing your arms and shake your head while shouting, (SHOUTING!) This Is The Best That I Have Felt In Days and THIS Guy Makes Me Laugh.
Just do it. Ok, now that your smiling, and I know you are because it’s impossible for your mind to accept positive and negative emotions at the same time, and like I said, Any action is positive, just apply this technique to the above scenario. Instead of saying to yourself, marketing is hard, say this is so easy because I have a step by step plan. Instead of saying, success will never happen for me, say wow, I can’t believe that this is going just as planned and I am so happy that so many people are holding my money and are just waiting for me to ask them for it. When you begin to feel down, Change it, Take Action, any action like making your bed reading an article, writing an article, pet the dog, wrestle with the dog, do Anything, just don’t stay down, don’t let anything come to a halt or to even slow down. Set a mirror next to your computer screen and reward yourself by marketing with a smile. We are what we think, say and do. I feel great, how about you?
llbglobal I’m not a «Newbie» to Internet Marketing! But I will tell you this about niche marketing. I don’t care what the niche is or how saturated it is. There is always a new way of marketing a product or service. If you don’t believe me then just take a look at all the large companies in the world. They all have to reinvent themselves every so often. Now of course they have brand names and money to their advantage but if you let that fact stop you then you shouldn’t be in Internet Marketing to begin with. Marketing takes work and if you don’t want to do the work you will not succeed! Stop looking for a quick million because your chances are better at winning the lottery. Here’s my real advice for a newbie: Start with an idea, build a system around that idea, stick with it! Most of all believe that what you are doing is right for you. You want a free handout? I’m giving it to you! People are always complaining that they don’t know the right people or they don’t know how to do something. I say, if you have that attitude you will never know anything or do ANYTHING! Decide on a goal, focus on it, find the people who are interested in that product and go after them.
It’s really that simple.
The entire idea is that you start somewhere and that doesn’t mean wasting time and money on silly marketing programs to try and become a millionaire overnight.
There is no such thing as a free ride. You already have the answers inside of you the problem is that you just don’t know how to access them. The biggest myth about the Internet and making a living online is that it’s easy. Marketers pray on this fact. This is a give and take world so you must give something of value in order to achieve something great. Stop and think about it for a moment. You want to have nice things, a nice life with good health right? You probably work hard for your money right? You probably are very particular about what you buy and what you do not buy right? So don’t expect other people to buy your product if it doesn’t have good value. We are all after good value. Why? Because we all want the most for our money. When we get top-notch services we are happy and we might even buy again. So when you think about Internet Marketing or any other kind of business it all comes down to one thing. You are selling a product, now what is its value? Be realistic with yourself about this. Because what is important to you may not be important in the same way to other people. So if you want to get them to buy your product, you need to find an effective way of communicating to them.
Chonticha Marijne Once you’ve found an Internet marketer who is interested in partnering with you, you can give them access to the product for their review and lay out the rest of the plan.
The split should be 50-50, after deduction of payment processor fees. Unless you own the product or it can’t be found readily elsewhere, you should offer it at a significant discount. The list owner should send out the initial email and any follow up messages. As an experienced marketer, they will know how write an endorsement that is more editorial in style rather than blatant sales copy. The key is to offer the target audience help in solving a genuine problem, rather than trying to sell them a product outright. The people on the mailing list know and trust the list owner, so there are no spam issues to contend with and the JV partner does not have to disclose their valuable list to you. If you agree to offer the product at a reduced price, then it is highly recommended that you set up a separate web page so that you do not lose any orders at the regular price on any existing web pages. Trust is required between the joint venture partners. To keep things above board, make sure that you provide proof of earnings, for instance by sending your JV partner a screenshot of your sales. If you select PayPal as your payment processor, then you should ensure that you use a separate email address that is unique to your JV to track your earnings. You can also set up a counter on the JV sales page to give your partner a rough idea of the number of visitors and possible earnings and you should also track the clickthroughs to the site with an ad tracking tool. When you’ve transfered your JV partner their share of the earnings, please make sure that they provide you with a receipt for your income tax return purposes. If you’re not yet convinced of the power of the joint venture, let’s take a look at the most obvious benefits: A JV can be the start of a long lasting business relationship. A JV can increase your credibility if you choose your partner wisely. A JV is a low-cost, low-risk method to increase sales.
A JV can lead to new customers, new leads, new subscribers. A JV can net you quick profits within a short time frame. A JV can offer you a new distribution channel. Be sure to treat your joint venture partner as a valued equal and always think long-term. Satisfied partners are more willing to repeat the collaboration in future and good business relationships are invaluable! Provided you do it right, a joint venture will boost your online earnings with a vengeance. Once you realize how profitable and easy it is to set up a joint venture, you will want to replicate the experience over and over again.
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