Failure Is Harder Than Success

Nikki Mhlanga For most people, the belief is that it’s easy to fail than to succeed! Well, I have great news for you – This is not true. It is actually easy to succeed than fail! The experience of being successful is simply wonderful – just the satisfaction and motivation you enjoy along the way will simply make your journey towards success very easy.

It will be a fantastic ride that you will absolutely love! Planning for, achieving and enjoying success is very enjoyable. It also brings countless happiness and benefits to our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The taste of success is so sweet; it simply makes the process of attaining that success a lot of fun! What do you need to be successful? • Successful people always have a PLAN and objectives to achieve. How can you become successful and wealthy if you do not have a plan? Your plan must help you build your goals. Your goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed). With smart goals, you will be able to work towards your goals. Successful and wealthy people also review their plans to make sure that they are on course towards their goals. Do you want to be a better person, be wealthy and successful? Start TODAY. List your plan and vision and goals. • DO your BEST. Whatever you do, in your personal life and in business, give the best of yourself. If you apply your best effort in your business, success will easily come to you. Work hard dedicatedly, and you will be rewarded accordingly.

• The most important thing that successful people have is confidence and faith. You must have confidence in your abilities, and you must believe that whatever you want, you will get it. These two traits will bring you a lot of courage to work towards your success – nothing will stand in your way. You will work towards attaining wealth and success constantly until you get that success. • Have PASSION in your life and in your business! Have you met some people who seem to have so much passion, energy and love around them that even if you spent 1 hour with them, they ‘touch’ your life in one way or another. You live only once – be full of passion in all the days of your life in everything you do in your profession/business as well as in your personal life.

Successful people are successful in what they do because they are authentically passionate about it. Successful people do not simply work to have money or material success; they work because they adore what they are doing and are passionate about it. Materials success will come to you from your their passion. What are you passionate about? How can you turn that into a business opportunity? • Learn, learn, learn and learn again. Successful people have an insatiable hunger for knowledge! You must have a strong desire to learn about how you can develop yourself into a better person, how you can make money and become wealthy. The deadliest sin is to settle for less and stop improving your life. • Focus on the FUTURE. If you have made some mistakes in the past, learn from them and move on. If you want to be successful, you must treat life as a learning experience. If you face a temporary setback, never give up, find a way around it and keep on working on your goal. • Have a mindset that attracts wealth. Yes, you can attract wealth simply by thinking about it and visualizing it. Learn to feel abundant in your life – and you will soon have abundance.

Negativity has no place in the mind of successful people.

Be optimistic, empowered and strong to work towards your goals.

Be wealthy and successful; and have a fulfilled life!

Uncover why most website designers and Internet Marketing Do Not Mix

Website development is an important and crucial first step to creating an online business. The investment made in your website design can be a large investment and you probably want a website that is an extension of your business and display your products or service in a professional way.

Beware, just because a website is amazing to look at, this does not mean it work well with all of your Internet Marketing efforts. Most of the time the websites are created with out the thought or planning of good quality content, sites are also employing mainly flash design as well as complicated navigation set up making exploring your site frustrating. Surprisingly Internet Marketing and Website Design seem to be clashing rather than complimenting each other. Do you ever ask yourself why isn’t your website performing well online no matter what you do? What causes a beautiful, appealing website to fall short in search engines? Most cases seem to point to the fact that some website designers do not consider the importance of Internet Marketing when putting together websites for there customers. Some web designers seem to be strictly focused on the graphical components and forget or do know about the Search Engine Marketing, Internet Marketing aspects of most websites. Internet Marketing may be less of an importance if site is mainly a Business to Business website but in the ecommerce business, websites really depend on SEO Internet Marketing for its overall success. Websites that fall short in Internet Marketing can lead to very expensive and needed redesigns for your site, changing different components of your pages to make it search engine friendly as well as easy navigation for site exploration although some changes may be less extreme than others. This can cause major set backs in business goals. Build and design your website around the content not the other way around. Before you decide on a website designer, make positive that the design will be user friendly as well as friendly for Internet Marketing procedures. Shop around, ask questions, see if the designer understands the importance of certain SEO priorities and keep them informed about what your looking to accomplish. Design a site that is easily expandable as well as easily adjusted to fit your Internet Marketing, SEO needs or have your SEO Consultant suggest a web designer to work with, insuring everything will function the way your website was intended to function.

This just may help prevent costing you much more than you ever expected and it will also help your business goals to remain on the track to success.

Free Online Marketing Strategy

With the free marketing tools that we are going to list and explain here, you can create a whole online marketing strategy that will generate the amount of traffic needed for your website to start generating sales. This means that you will never have to choose any tactic that requires continuous advertising investments. This does not mean in any way that there isn’t any money to be spent. The tools that we are going to explain can be implemented either in automatic mode or manual mode. The manual mode proved to be a very time consuming effort that is considered not only inefficient but can also be ineffective sometimes. The automatic mode on the other hand can really save you a lot of time.

A time that you can use to further your knowledge in online business and to keep yourself updated with what is new in the market, which a must in this industry.

Time is not the only advantage of automatic implementation, but listing all the advantages of such implementation will make us deviate from our main objective which is to discuss the tools and tactics that would compose a whole free online marketing strategy. Choosing the automatic mode means that you will need to buy and use software programs that will enable you to automate the process. Buying those software packages is where the investment lies. I highly recommend you to buy software packages that require only a one time investment rather than a monthly subscription. Now let us get started with the list of tactics that would give you a free online marketing strategy: 1) Directory and Search Engine Submission: It is recommended to start with this tactic as it is expected that this tactic bring solid and continuous traffic. Yet it needs time to build your position especially within the search engines. When we say search engines, it doesn’t mean that we are talking only about the big names. If you submit your website to the smaller search engines, that can contribute to your position within the big players. 2) Reciprocal Linking: This tactic has gained a little bit of controversy lately. Many prefer one way links rather than exchanging links.

I would agree with them, but what could it hurt to follow both tactics? With reciprocal linking you exchange links with other websites.

This can really be time consuming if you are not automating the process. 3) Posting in Forums: Posting in active forums has a double impact. Not only you are generating traffic from people clicking your link in you signature line, but also you get one way back links as these forums are open to search engines and therefore, your posts with your signature are listed in those engines. 4) Article Submission: There are numerous directories that accept article submissions which would gain you a huge amount of one way back links to your website. Your priority is to find directories with high traffic and ones that have the ability to distribute your articles to other websites, e-zines, e-mail groups and other kinds of publishers. 5) Pinging: Pinging your Blog and your dynamic pages of your site. If your Blog is hosted on your server as an extension of your website, you can Ping your Blog to update search engines with the new changes. This will encourage search engine spiders to crawl to you Blog and eventually to your website. Also you can create dynamic content on your website by adding articles and news feeds to keep you website fresh with new content. This is something that search engines like and accordingly you can Ping those pages of your website to accelerate the spider crawling procedure. With the above five pillars of free online marketing strategy you can create full aggressive campaigns to generate traffic and sales without having to spend any money.

Google AdWords Course Receives Highest Rating

Review Place recently awarded Perry Marshall’s Google AdWords Course a five-star rating for its fast yet effective crash course on the ins and outs of Google advertising.

“We’re pleased that the Google AdWords Course has earned Review Place’s top rating,” said Jeremy Flanagan, a spokesperson for Perry Marshall.

“The course is full of my secrets for minimizing cost and maximizing profit with Google AdWords. Best of all, to show how dedicated I am to helping my customers save money while increasing business, the course is offered free-of-charge.” Perry Marshall’s Google AdWords Course is a five-day program that delivers materials straight to your email inbox. The course teaches users how to make the most of Google AdWords: generating more site traffic while paying less for ads, understanding the more complicated features of the Google system, and the tricks of using Google’s affiliate marketing method, “GoogleCash.” The Google AdWords Course is available at no charge, making it a risk-free investment. For users who need more detailed information, Perry Marshall also offers The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords, an e-book that is guaranteed to help users lower advertising costs and increase site traffic. “The Google AdWords Course is a necessity for anyone who is interested in getting more for their dollar,” said Andy West, the Press Relations representative for Review Place. “Our reviewers know how important this information is, especially as it is offered at no charge, and they have rated the course accordingly.” One of the leading consumer-driven online communities, Review Place provides reviews on thousands of products and services.

Review Place categories include home based businesses, employment services, relationship advice and many more. The site is dedicated to saving you time and money by providing quality information on the issues that impact your life. To see the complete list of categories, visit To find out more about the Google AdWords Course and other related services, including descriptions, testimonials, and product reviews, please visit Review Place’s Web Gurus Advice category at:–Web-Gurus-Advice.html.

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