Do you know how many businesses there are in the world? I donґt know either but I would imagine that there are so many that it would take a long time to count them all. You would probably fall asleep because by the time you reach one hundred thousand six hundred and twenty eight, you would be so tired of counting that you would just fall over.
More and more businesses spring up out of nowhere every month while numerous flop over and die out. For these new business that are trying to make money and stay in business, the best thing to try and do is let people know about your new company. The only way you can do this is by properly reaching people who are looking for your type of service. Not just a couple people either, you want to have thousand and millions of people see your new company right. There are lots of ways to effectively do this and help your new business succeed. You can post flyer’s, pass out business cards, or you can use Craigslist. Marketing is the best way to showcase and sell anything including a new business. Posting flyer’s is cool but who really looks at flyer’s any more and takes them seriously? Not to many huh? Passing out business cards is a good strategy but too many people loss these cards before they think about using your service. If you want a super great way to market your new business then you should probably think about useing Craigslist. Craigslist is a wonderful way to let people know about your company. We live in a society today that is dominated by technology. Therefore, most individuals have the Internet or have access to the Internet. You might be wondering how this relates to Craigslist. Craigslist is an Internet website service that is a great way to show people what you and your company is all about. Promoting your business is real easy using Craigslist because you can post an add about your company in several different categories when using this service.
There is a “Service” section, a “Help Wanted” section, a “Services Needed” section and a whole bunch more in which you can market your business.
The best part about this is that doing this, you donґt have to shell out any dollar bills to post this information. So by promoting your business using Craigslist, you can write what you are all about in numerous categories for nothing at all. The real advantage of using Craigslist is the number of people who look om Craigslist everyday. Millions of people search Craigslist for a variety of different reasons. Countless numbers of them look for business information just like your new business you are trying to promote. So instead of only targeting the few hundreds of people you can reach with flyer’s and business cards, you can grab the attention of millions by using Craigslist. Starting and promoting a new business is hard because you have to bank on the idea that people want to use your service. If you donґt attract enough customers, more likely than not, you will go under. By letting as many people as you can know about your business, the better chance you will have in succeeding. Promoting your business with Craigslist is one of the best way to attract people to your new company.
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The security of other Timeshare owners at your resort. Many resorts to choose from with the exchange program world wide . Lock in your timeshare vacation accommodations. For example: If you purchase a timeshare today at $5,500.00, use it 10 years and sell it at the same price you paid for it originally…you end up with equity. In contrast: if you rented a hotel room you would have useless receipts. As with most deeded resorts you can rent it , sell it , lend it , exchange it or present it as a gift of precious memories for that special event in your life… honeymoons, anniversaries, family reunions. Time share makes sense. Time share vacations are diverse…. from a log cabin next toski.jpg (15090 bytes) a trout stream to an exotic tropical paradise in the South Pacific to the exciting ski slopes of The Rockies, you can be assured that your accommodations are first class . You don’t have to be a millionaire to enjoy luxury vacations. You also get many benefits when you are a timeshare owner, travel agents ,discount air fares ,bonus weeks you can even gift these to your business associates and loved ones for that vacation of a lifetime . Are you interested in Vacation Resort Ownership? Here is some basic information you will need to know before you buy a timeshare : When you buy from an owner there is a TITLE company that will guarantee clear title for you. When you buy from an owner you pay far less than you would if you bought from a DEVELOPER or a BROKER .
WHY? you are eliminating the middleman when you buy directly from a timeshare owner. Types of Time-share Ownership: Deeded: You will have a recorded «Deed» with this type of ownership. Your period of ownership is forever. Right-to-Use: This type of ownership is for a set amount of time. After the agreed time of ownership expires, ownership converts back to the Grantor. During your ownership, you can convey your ownership to another party. Membership: This is not an ownership, it is a «Membership». You pay a large sum of money to buy into the membership plus there are annual membership fees. Be very cautious of this type of Time share. Usually the language in the membership agreement states: if you miss one of the annual payments, your membership will terminate. Some of these memberships can be transferred, some can not. NOTE: Some Resorts also offer bi-annual ownership. (check your paperwork) Periods of Time-share Ownership: Usually your time share period (check-in date) is numbered from 1-52. Week «1″ starting in the first week of the year. Week «52″ being the last week of the year. «Floating/ Flex» periods. Which can be divided into Seasons (Blue Floating/Flex) (White Floating/Flex) (Red Floating/Flex).
If your ownership is for a Floating/Flex period, you can check-in on different dates according to your ownership.
Blue Season (Good): Also known as «off season». This would be the time of year which the Resort and location is of the least demand. If you own a «Blue Floating/Flex» period, you will only be allowed to check in during these «off season» dates. If you are planning to buy a «off season» week, plan on getting it for a cheap price. White Season (Better): Also known as «mid season». This would be the time of year which is between «Off Season» and «Peak Season». The time of year right before the «Peak Season» starts and right after the «Peak Season» is over. If you own a «White Floating/Flex» period, you are allowed to check-in during the «mid season» and the «off season» dates. If you are planning to buy a «mid season» week, plan on getting it for a reasonable price. Red Season (Best): Also known as «high/peak season». This is the time of the year everyone wants to be at the resort (highest demand). If you own a «Red Floating/Flex» period, you can check-in any time of the year. If you are planning to buy a «peak season» week, plan on paying a pretty penny for it. NOTE: Interval International (an exchange company for timeshare) rates Blue as Green, White as Yellow and Red as Red. Size of Time-share Ownership: Studio: A small unit, usually similar to a hotel room. Sleeps two, sometimes four. One Bedroom: Similar to a small apartment: a living room area, kitchen area, with a private bedroom.
Usually sleeps four (two in the bedroom and two on a pull-out sleeper sofa in the living room area). Two Bedroom: Usually sleeps six (two in one bedroom, two in the other bedroom and two on a pull-out sleeper sofa in the living room area). Some two bedroom units can sleep eight, if it has a loft. Lock-Out: These units vary in size, usually divided into two separate apartments. Each with its own living room and kitchen areas. If you own a Lock-Out unit, you can use one and exchange or rent the other. These units can be big enough to sleep eight to twelve people. Obviously a Deeded two bedroom unit during «Peak Season» would cost a lot more than a Studio unit during «Off Season». Of course, there are other factors to the value of a timeshare unit, but this is the basic frame work of timeshare value. Costs of Time-share Ownership: Purchase Price: The amount of money paid for ownership plus any «transfer fees» (can range from $50 to $500). Maintenance Fees: The amount of money paid annually for maintenance of your unit. This amount can range anywhere from $100 to $700. Property Tax: The amount of tax to be paid by you for your time share unit. This amount is usually reasonable, ranging from $10 to $100. Special Assessment: This the amount of money the Resort can require you to pay on a un-regular basis. Usually for a re-modeling project, check your timeshare documents for the max amount they can charge you and how often they can charge you. This amount can range from $20 to $400, you may want to check the Resort history record for past amounts and times. Time-share Resale: Why not buy a time share directly from the owner? Buying a time share directly from an owner can save you thousands of dollars….No Commissions, No hidden charges ever!
Mark Nenadic Among the best ways to get the very most out of your web marketing is to analyze the traffic that you already have on you website. You need to develop an understanding of who is visiting your website, what they want from your website, and what they’re doing once they’re there. Unless you have this information, it is challenging to improve it in a way that will better meet the expectations of your visitors. In order to analyze your website traffic, you can choose one or many of the following four techniques: » A webpage counter » A statistical package from your ISP » Web traffic analysis software » Hire a professional to audit your website traffic Counters are one of the oldest tools that have been added to websites. They can be visible to your website visitors, or invisible to them so that only you can see. A web counter is a very basic addition to your website that simply registers the number of people who visit any given page on your site. Of course, showing this isn’t exactly the most professional way to run a website. Sure, they’re alright for personal pages, but for a business that is trying to develop a good reputation and make a good impression, this probably isn’t really the way to go. With the statistical package from your ISP (Internet Service Provider), you’ll be able to have a look at a log of every visit your website has received.
This will be available to you in the form of either a webpage or a graphic for your analysis. The information is often registered in raw NCSA combined log file format, which is rather challenging to use for the average user. It is full of complicated coding that must be deciphered for each individual “hit” that your webpage has received.
If you know what you’re doing, however, this method does indeed provide you with a good amount of information, such as the way that people are getting to your website (for example, by way of a search engine or a link from another site) and what they are doing at your site once they have arrived.
If you are using a good quality ISP, then you will likely have a freeware version of a popular statistical analysis package available to you. There are many good ones from which you can choose, and you’ll find the results very useful. You can have your ISP produce a daily, weekly, monthly (etc) report for you to use. They can either be posted on a webpage for you, or emailed directly into your inbox. You’ll need to contact your ISP to find out exactly what services they offer in this regard. If that doesn’t work for you, if you want a better detailed report, or if your ISP simply doesn’t provide that service, then you may wish to purchase a web traffic analysis software program. There are tons of these programs available at affordable prices that will provide you with a broad range of analysis options for the traffic you receive on your website. To use these programs, you simply need to download access logs from your ISP using an FTP program. You’ll need to ask your ISP about the directory in which those logs can be found. The software will then parse (interpret) the raw log file information one line at a time to provide you with results in various combinations and formats for your use. Though the more high-end programs can cost over $5 thousand, there are many software packages that are available to us “normal folk” with varying degrees of options and abilities, but at much more affordable prices.
You can easily obtain a good quality software package at around $300. So why do you need these stats so badly for your web marketing? The fact of the matter is that they give you a goal for your marketing. They show you: » Which web pages on your site are most popular » Which pages on your site are least popular » Who is visiting your website » Which browsers they are using to view your website » Which search engines are sending the most visitors » Which banner ads are sending you the most visitors » Where the errors and bad links may exist on your website.
The title of this article may prompt you to think that you should have a website based off the rock band “KISS”. No, “KISS” in this case refers to the old marketing adage “Keep It Simple Stupid”. It is critical to keep this marketing strategy in mind when you are creating your website. How can you use the KISS method when creating your website? Employ the following technical and marketing strategies and you will have a KISS certified website.
These strategies can apply to any Internet business. In addition, it doesn’t matter what your educational background is because everyone can utilize these techniques. Your KISS strategy should encompass the following three types of websites: Branding site, Sales Letter site, and Power Squeeze Site. We will discuss each site in further detail. Site #1 – Branding Site: The purpose of your Branding site is to brand your company, products, and/or services. This page needs to be basic so keep the number of options to a minimum. Remember, a confused mind never buys. A potential customer will leave your site in the blink of an eye if they are overwhelmed by the number of options. It is also important to note that only 1% of your customers will come from the subscription box on your branding site. Also, only 1% of your customers will come from the product page here. Therefore, the main purpose of the branding site is to create your brand. Site #2 – Sales Letter Site: The purpose of your Sales Letter site is to get the customer to purchase your product or service. Your Sales Letter site will contain your sales letter. You don’t want customers to leave this page because once they leave the page the chances of creating a sales conversion dramatically decrease. Therefore, don’t put in options that allow people to leave your Sales Letter site. Site #3 – Power Squeeze Site: The purpose of the Power Squeeze site is to capture personal information from your customer. The only information you need to capture on your Power Squeeze site includes: first name, last name, and primary email address. This will allow you to start a relationship with each customer. You can always capture more personal information later. It is also helpful to tell customers exactly what you want them to do on this page. In other words, you want them to sign up for you customer list, so have text that says “Just sign up here…” This direction will increase sales conversions. Your Power Squeeze site is your most valuable site. You may need to tweak it often. Take great care when creating these three sites. These sites are the key to attracting and retaining valuable customers that purchase your products and services.
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