com Last week I talked about the importance of finding your niche. I mentioned how significant it was to feel passion and interest in your business idea. I received quite a few emails asking for more clarification. So I am writing this next new article to provide more information on finding a niche, but more importantly I am going to show you a tool that will help you determine the perfect niche business idea. First let’s talk about what a niche is, why it is important and how you should narrow the field. A niche is a focused area of concentration. A niche could be about orchids whereas a topic, or non-niche, would be flowers. Orchids are focused. Flowers are topics.
It is important to find your niche in business because it answers extremely relevant questions. You must know who your customers are and what they want from you. Choosing a niche almost immediately fills in all blanks about your target market. Knowing your customer and their problems will allow you to offer solutions. Solutions are products or services that you offer to a group of targeted individuals. Narrowing down your niche can be hard. Start by writing down all the things you love to do and enjoy in life. Include life experiences, jobs, skills, interests and passions.
Really dig in and take the time to think of lots of ideas.
Get specific. Ask others what they think your niche is. You may find some really surprising answers! There is another way to narrow down your niche as well. It’s a new tool designed to help you navigate through questions with multiple answers. In fact this tool was just launched last week and I have already used it 3 times. I used it to determine my next business project, to determine my next info-product and to determine what my next article should be about. Voila! You are reading it. Before I provide you with this free tool I want to warn you of two common syndromes. One is called the “Ready-Aim-Ready-Aim” syndrome. I know this syndrome very well. The “Ready-Aim-Ready-Aim” syndrome is for people who plan and plan and plan. They never really put action to their thoughts because there is always more to learn or more detail to uncover. The result is that their ideas and plans never actually take off. On the other hand there is the “Fire-Aim-Ready” syndrome which is quite opposite. It is for people who just go out and create without putting much effort or planning into their course of action. It often results in mistakes and possibly failure. Poor planning is definitely to be avoided. Noting both of those circumstances helps me set the stage for this new tool I have found. You can ask it any question you desire and through a process of 5 steps your answer will emerge.
Use it to find the perfect niche for your business! The free decision making tool is called Choose It and can be found at http://chooseit.
It is hardly believable when someone says they have not heard of blogging now-a-days. The continued rise of blogging and its importance in search engine marketing has been further reinforced by Google’s acquisition of a major blog tool. Google being the mother of all search engines, this step certainly proves a point in the direction the blogs are going. Does it mean that Google is going to offer blog specific searches like Feedster and RSS? These blog search engines accept content by receiving RSS feeds and not by spidering or crawling. Both these searches are powered by RSS engine. RSS feed is a mechanism that helps webmasters to relay information about new articles or content posted.
Bloggers who use blogging tools like Blogger Pro or Moveable Type automatically create RSS feeds for their sites, the reason why RSS search engines have turned out more as blogging search engines. Any website can relay or distribute content through RSS which makes RSS search engines more than blog search engines.
Conversely all blogs may not use RSS, so RSS search engines area subset of the blogging community as well as the weblog community.
Search engine marketing can benefit widely by use of RSS for the website under question. Being a part of the weblog makes a site a part of the search engine, but by activating the RSS feeds, it can make use of blog search capabilities, which will help in its rankings. This two pronged approach can make the website a part of the search engine indices as well as RSS indices, making it more specifically targeted to audience or visitors belonging to the niche. A unmentioned fact remains that Bloggers are a very niche community class of visitors depending upon specific requirements and specific needs, so a website doing RSS feeds has more chances to targeted hits through RSS than through search engines. Of course, the whole process is again effective only when the search engine optimization process has been undertaken with due care and usage of specific niche keywords has been taken care of. ============================================== Copyright © 2006-2007 Jahn A. All rights reserved. You may freely distribute this article provided that the copyright and this resource box and all the links in it must be included. Jahn A. is a Licensed eCommerce Consultant and a an Internet Marketer by profession and he has an MBA Degree in Marketing and Strategic Mgt and also a GDip in I.
T. To view more details on his recent works, you may visit his Business Blog athttp://www.noorazan.comto download 77 free software and ebooks. ==============================================
Filed Under Marketing Techniques | Comments Off on How blogging can help your Search Engine Marketing Step by step, that’s the way to go to have yourself a successful web-site in one year. If you think a year is to long then I’m afraid you will be discouraged most of the time while marketing online because it will, unless your the real McCoy internet «Guru» in which case please contact me and lets make boat loads of cash. If your serious and are willing to walk the talk, let’s begin.
Keyword research for your site is a must. Find and use some kind of keyword research tool such as those from the good folks at Axandra. to find the perfect keyword phrases for your site and to also check what phrases your competitors are using. You will want to get a domain name that is no more than two words and that is relevant to your content. If you are selling rubber baby buggy bumpers then you might try «» or You need to create your brand and your domain is where your brand begins. After choosing your great new name and have found as many relevant keyword phrases for your niche then take the plunge and get it hosted somewhere. I love godaddy and have used them for years, but you may not. just get it out there in front of new eyeballs at your host of choice. It does not have to be a huge site to begin with. You should put up at least an «about me» section stating who you are and what you do and what your going to do and when, and then make sure that the major search engines have a chance to let their spiders crawl it and chew on it for an appetizer. Note: A pet peeve of mine when consulting newbies is that they want to be «finished» with their site, their Whole site, before submitting anything. Your Site Wont EVER be finished. Don’t let getting ready to get ready to get ready doom you from the start, just jump in the waters fine. I don’t buy the saying «knowledge is power» but I would if it said knowledge combined with action is power. Anyway, on to the next step. Bring on the main course for those hungry little spiders with 20 0r 30 pages of real relevant content containing all of your relevant keyword phrases for each page. The spiders will be happy and you will have given them a good reason to pay you back with good search results. You will want to stay away from slam bam graphics and flash in your site design. It is easier to keep your visitors on your site if it is simple and easy to navigate. If they wanted entertainment they would be watching TV. Optimize your site as much as possible so that it is quick to load even for the dial up visitors, yes there are still plenty of them out there. Do a quick search for «usability» for tips on not violating website design characteristics. Make sure to put your keyword phrases in your title and headers and in your content.
If it’s baby bumpers then your writing will be About baby bumpers. In other words, you write About your keywords, you don’t just stick them in somewhere. Keep the navigation the same on all pages ie.. graphical interfaces on the left or top with a text version at the bottom. Don’t let that visitor slip away to quickly by grabbing their attention with bold headers because when they first visit your page their just scanning or window shopping, not reading. Build a site map that links to your pages and stick it in a text link at the bottom of your pages. Remember I said your site is never finished and now That you have built the foundation for your business it’s time to add some goodies. Write a new content page every two to three days, say around 200-500 words to keep visitors coming back for your words of wisdom. DON’T use tricks such as keyword stuffing and doorway pages leading to useless garbage, it will cost you in the end. Find ot who is linking to your competitors by using google’s link service ie…type in «link:» and you will see who is linking to them. Contact them and get them to link to you too. Submit your site to 4 or 5 directories that are suited to your niche such as yahoo and DMOZ and local directories such as the yellow pages.
You need a blog for getting to know some of the millions of wonderful people (buyers) out there and to show that your a human being that they can trust.
post at least once per week. Stay away from reciprocal links and link farms, but do submit your site to appropriate webmasters and ask them to link to you because it will benefit them in some way. Track your visitors. track your sales. track your links, track your tracks, if you don’t know where your at, you sure wont know how to get where your going. Pay per click sites such as google adwords work to keep your brand out there, and is a good investment in your business. You did know that there would be some overhead right? Good then I’m not writing to someone in la-la land. Keep up to date on new trends and write an article once a week and submit it to as many article directories as possible. Study your traffics patterns after 60 to 90 days so you can determine how best to guide them through your site and also check the search engines and directories that you submitted too and resubmit if your not found. Press releases are great for new product or service announcements and for new content, why not offer RSS feeds to your visitors. If you do these things consistently and persistently and keep your content fresh, you will almost be guaranteed to have a successful website this time next year.
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Have you ever bought an inexpensive car only to find that upkeep and dissatisfaction made it more expensive than if you had just bought a better one in the first place? The same is true in timeshares.
The «satisfaction quotient» of a timeshare will actually be determined by your buying the right one in the first place.
This is true whether buying a developer’s timeshare or a resale. The only difference is that you will buy the resale for one third to one half the price. Consider the following attributes when purchasing: The Location. Is it in a demand area? Can you walk to shops, restaurants and other off-site amenities? Does it have major attractions close by? The property on the beach is better than the property a block back. Some resorts feature solitude and a «get away» location with great views of the wilderness. What will suit your lifestyle and desires? The Design. Was the project a motel conversion or purpose built? Some motel conversions are excellent. Others result in turning a substandard motel into a substandard timeshare. Is the property a mix of Studio, One and Two Bedroom units? Is it attractive and well laid out or just a box? The more attractive the physical layout of the property and the unit floorplans, the better. The Management. First and foremost: Are the units clean? Look for dust, non-working windows, squeaking doors, seedy landscaping, etc. The better maintained the property, the higher the value. Does the appearance please you? The Fiscal Stability. This is harder to find because it is not visible. Ask for a copy of the Owner’s Association budget or financial statements. If this is out of your area of expertise, ask the Owners around the pool.
Have there been a lot of special assessments? If there is a professional Property Manager (a CPM or RRP), ask them. Is the project «living beyond its means»? Look for the reserve study. When will the property need a new roof and will the money be in the bank to pay for it? Another non-technical way is to review the last few minutes of the Board of Directors meetings. The Unit Size. As a general rule, the people who buy the larger units are the happiest. The ability to bring friends and family along on a vacation is not to be overlooked. Two bedroom units offer this possibility. In other cases you may not want this possibility to exist so a smaller unit will be the best selection. Think it over not only for the present, but also for the future. Young singles have bought studio units. They don’t work so well after the marriage and the third child. The Season. Buy the high season if that is what you wish to consistently use. If the summertime is high season and you are a schoolteacher who can only vacation then, you should go ahead, bite the bullet and buy that season, even though it may be at a premium price. If you have school age children the same applies. Sometimes, the reverse is true. For example, we have many Owners of Southern California beachfront resorts who live in the east and Midwest and have specifically purchased the «off season» because it gets them out of the cold. It works perfectly for them. The Price. This is last on purpose. You are looking at buying a lifetime possession. If you get the wrong one, the dissatisfaction will be present long after you have forgotten what you paid for it. At current resale prices, I don’t think there is any way to lose. Resale timeshares are like antique furniture. They will either hold their value or increase with time. Look at resales as though they will not really cost you money, they will save it. The worst that will happen is that you will have a lifetime of incredible vacations and at the end you will sell it and get all or most of your money back. The longer you own, the better it will be because alternate accommodations (hotels) will only cost more in time due to inflation.
The best units in the best season in the best projects have held their value best. Currently, resale prices are generally half of the original developer sale price. In some cases it may be less and in some more. To assure yourself of not paying more than you have to, shop around. Call a title company in the area to find out what the resales in a specific resort are going for. Ask a resale Broker to show you some comparatives. In other words go about it as you would buying a house. Obviously it is not as major a purchase, but time spent getting the right product is absolutely worth it. Remember that you will own it for years. Another trap to avoid is that of buying a cheap timeshare for exchange. Make no mistake. Low quality exchanges for low quality with only rare exceptions. Key Point – Since we are offering 80% financing for the purchase of timeshare resales, you can now afford to buy the best property; the one you really want. You will be much happier in the long run if you do. All this may be summed up by one phrase: Buy Quality!!