Sandra P. Martini Now that you’ve got a list of your goals for the upcoming year, take a good look at them. You are most likely feeling a combination of exhilaration and trepidation with a little overwhelming sensation mixed in for good measure.
It’s okay, you’re not the first or only one to experience this. The next step is to break down each goal into manageable objectives. It’s as simple as the answer to the riddle “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is: One bite at a time. And that is how you tackle your goals small manageable pieces – categorize them in to groups as to whether they are 10 years , 5 years or one year goals. Let’s assume one of your goals is to make $100,000 in the next year.
By itself, it may seem overwhelming, but let’s “take it one bite at a time.” 1. Make it present tense. It’s important to change the language of your goal so it reads as if you’ve already achieved it. This will activate your subconscious and let it know that you are serious about your goal. 2. Get emotional. Make each goal your own by personalizing it and give it an emotion. Watch what happens when we take the original goal of “My business will make $100,000 in the next year” and, factoring in numbers 1 and 2 above, change it to the following: “It’s December 31, 2007, I made $100,000 this year doing what I love in my business and I feel on top of the world!” WOW what a change! See how alive your goal becomes? 3. Work backwards. Start with your largest goal (in this case, ours is one year) and break it into smaller time periods that you can measure. For our goal, will you make $25,000 per quarter? Or, do you need time to ramp up so you anticipate making $5,000 in quarter one and then more for each of the last three quarters? Remember the goals have to be measurable and realistic and plan accordingly. 4. Know your target audience. In order to reach your goals, you must know your target audience. And if you think that “everyone” is your target audience, you are wrong and wrong in a way that will cost you significant time, trouble and money. Assuming you have limited marketing dollars, you want to spend them wisely. If you own a wedding gown boutique, which would be the more profitable thing to do: Send flyers announcing a sale to everyone in your town OR send flyers only to those women who subscribe to bridal magazines, have hired a wedding planner or booked a hall? The answer is obvious.
Defining your target audience matters.
It matters more than most anything else you will do. 5. Where are they? Knowing your target audience isn’t enough. You must know where they hang out, what they like, what they dislike and you need to be able to speak with them in theirlanguage. So where does this leave us? A brief summary to pull it all together: You’ve written your goals in present tense You’ve added emotion You’ve broken your goals into smaller timeframes and You’ve identified your target audience and where they hang out We’ll pull it all together in Part III when we add the daily and weekly action steps that will get you well on your way to accomplishing your goals.
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To be noticed or successful in the World Wide Web one needs to apply sound business sense and practices. When a surfer uses a search engine to find information he will get what he needs within the first 7-10 results displayed. This means that sites that are ranked higher than 10 are hardly ever noticed.
Most of the traffic is enjoyed by those who rank within the “top ten.” Here are a few pointers that may get you a ranking within 1-10: 1. Use relevant target key words for your pages. Ensure that the key words are more than two words long. Put yourself in the shoes of the surfer and list what the likely search terms will be which are relevant to the content. 2. Use keywords frequently through the page but with relevance. Higher placements are recommended. Ensure that target keywords are placed in the HTML title tag. Include target words in the titles. Write titles that capture interest and attention.
These are what appear in search engine listings and only if they convey the content of the pages clearly will a user access the web page. 3. Every page must have a title tag, Meta keywords tag, and Meta description tag. 4. Use text navigation with great thought. It is advantageous to use keyword phrases as links. If text navigation is not possible then try and include footer on every page. 5. Avoid search engine stumbling blocks like image maps or frames. Construct your pages such that any search engine, old or new can read the pages. Create static pages and avoid symbols in the URLs.
6.Link analysis is used by important search engines in ranking algorithms. So, it is crucial to build solid links. Ensure that the links are relevant to your web content. Think quality not quantity. The secret is in approaching sites that are non-competitive and are ranked high by search engines. 7. Avoid spamming. It can get you banned. Fight the battle for supremacy by ethical means. Just ensure that your content is relevant and interesting, layout simple, and titles attractive and teasing. 8. To maximize efficiency submit more than one page manually. Make sure the pages are good representations of your site and its content.
9. Avoid automated programs for submission of pages. Submit manually and pay attention to any problems reported. 10. Prepare your goals with thought and care.
Use a designer who is aware of online architectural design principles. Synchronize content, design, and navigation. Make it user and search engine friendly. 11. If you are in a hurry to get your website ranked then consider the option of using search engine marketing programs like PPC. In this case traffic is generated within days. 12. Use a link analysis report which will consider your competitors plan of action and prepare a recommendation report for you that is exclusive to your business module. Search engine placement is the corner stone to success. It will not just ensure a good ranking but substantial increase in traffic and optimal business returns. As an astute business person or avid cyber techie you need to view the site in a rounded way and consider not just aspects of content and design but marketing strategies and cost effectiveness.
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Richard Grady I will be honest; the title of this article is slightly misleading.
You see, in my opinion, the best traffic that money can buy actually doesn’t cost anything – it’s free!
I am talking of course about the magical traffic that we have all heard of but that only a select few have experienced… search engine traffic. We all know that it is possible to get tons of free traffic from the big search engines – Google, MSN, Yahoo and so on but getting to the top of these engines has always been incredibly tough. Actually, I am being slightly dishonest again. Going back a few years, it was in fact very easy to get a high search engine ranking, you just put a page together, threw in a few meta keywords and a decent page title and scattered your keywords across the text content a bit and that was it. Wait a week or so and bingo, you’ve got yourself a front page ranking on Google! Ok, it wasn’t quite that simple but it wasn’t much harder than that. Nowadays getting to the top of the engines is much harder and even if you do make it to the top, you can be dropped just as quickly if the search engine decides to change the way in which they rank websites. However, whilst getting your site indexed and ranked in a decent position does take a bit of effort, it isn’t impossible, especially if you know what the search engines are looking for. I am no expert on the topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but I have studied the subject on a casual basis since I first started online in 1998. I am really a lazy SEO’er and part of the reason for this is that I have spent the time in past optimizing sites, only to have Google (or whoever) suddenly decide that they don’t like my site quite as much as they did last week and dropping me way down their rankings. All that lovely free traffic gone overnight
I got fed up with this a couple of years ago and vowed never to chase search engine traffic again! That said, there is nothing quite like top quality, targeted, free traffic and the buzz of getting several hundred (or even thousand) visitors every single day without spending out a single penny can’t be beaten. Just think how much it would cost you to buy 500 visitors each day using Google Adwords or similar (and this form of advertising isn’t anywhere near as effective as it used to be but that’s a story for another day!).
Anyway, back to the point of this article…. It is possible to get very good search engine rankings very quickly IF you follow some basic rules when you build your websites. To illustrate this (and remember, I am no expert), I noticed this week that my new site, already has several number one (and front page) rankings on Google, MSN and several other smaller search engines! I am even beating eBay on some keywords and phrases
Now, bear in mind that this site was launched just two weeks ago. I haven’t done any ‘major’ search engine optimization on it – just the absolute basics. There are hardly any inbound links to the site (seriously, like a dozen absolute maximum) AND none of the search engines have crawled anywhere near the entire site. At the time of writing, Google has indexed just 17 pages out of almost 1500!! Despite this, Google and the other engines are sending me some fairly healthy traffic everyday. Just think how much traffic I could be getting in a few weeks time once the site has been fully indexed?! So, why am I telling you this? Simple. Because getting good search engine rankings doesn’t have to be an impossible task. If you know the basics and apply them to your site, there is no reason why you shouldn’t start to see some free traffic coming your way.
Now of course, you can’t expect to do a bit of work on your site and suddenly rank no.1 on Google for a really competitive search term such as ‘earn money online’ BUT you don’t need to. At the end of the day all you need to do is make sure that your site ranks well for a handful of relevant keywords/phrases and as long as they are words that people are actually searching for, you will see the benefits. If you don’t know how to optimize your website, just visit my forum in the signature link below for lots of hints and tips…
Pawel Reszka Multi Level Marketing businesses are being launched almost everyday on the internet.
People join MLM because they want to make money by sponsoring other people into the business and that’s how the MLM idea works. Some of them become very successful with it, but almost 90% of them will fail and never make their investment back. MLM companies can be very profitable if they have a good quality product behind it. If you are a good marketer and know how to sell yourself you could earn substantial income using the power of MLM. Let’s go over some of the reasons why people fail after joining an MLM business opportunity. In my opinion the failure is being caused by not having enough experience in marketing, low advertising budget, and lack of patience. Not having enough experience is one of the major reasons why a person will never make any money with a MLM company. For example, John got introduced to this new hot product that his friend is selling. John likes it a lot and finds out that he could resell the product also and make some extra income. So his friend decides to enroll him and now John is a proud owner of his own business. John is very excited about the whole idea and starts going over the material provided by the company he joined. Two days later John still hasn’t made a sale nor enrolled another distributor. John has no idea about marketing or how to get the word out to other people that would possibly be interested in John’s opportunity.
Two weeks go by and he still hasn’t sold any of his products, but he must keep ordering from the company to stay in the business. John starts feeling overwhelmed with bills and decides to give up. If you want to be successful with MLM, you must do some good market research before you join. You should also create your own strategy on how you are going to market yourself and your product. You must listen to experts in the business and learn from them, their tactics, and techniques. Create your own game plan before you spend your hard earned money. Next reason why people fail is not having enough money or none at all to advertise their opportunity. These days you must be able to come up with some advertising budget to do business online. If you think that by joining an MLM opportunity the money will just start coming into your pocket then you are very wrong. If you have a very tide budget and you can barely make it from one month to another then please do not join any MLM companies. In that case you should try something else that doesn’t require you to make an investment of more than $50. MLM companies usually require a monthly fee to stay in the business which ensures that people who sponsored you make commissions. Before you decide to join an MLM opportunity please go carefully over your budget and see if you can afford it. You always need to know your matrix and calculate if you can actually make money before next month’s bills are in your mailbox. Another reason why some people fail in the multi level marketing business is lack of patience. I know from experience that people want to start making money fast with any business opportunity they join. The fact is that it takes time to build your MLM business. That is why having enough money is so important to succeed. You will probably loose money your first month after your advertising expenses. Once your business gains momentum, which could happen after a few months, you will be on the right track to MLM profits. Learn how to be patient, and try not to get discouraged. The profit will come if you just stick with one thing and keep doing it till you are satisfied.
Never try to join two multi level marketing companies at the same time unless, you really have the resources to handle it. I know people that run some successful website with tons of traffic everyday. This allows them to join multiple companies and succeed. Knowing your matrix is very important factor and you should always consider your own possibilities. As you can see there are some very important things you must take into consideration before you join an MLM company. Multi level marketers can make a lot of money once their business starts growing by itself. Once you get to that point you will be ready to start another venture and that’s how millionaires are being made on the internet. If you don’t have enough experience, patience or enough money in your advertising budget, then think twice before you spend your money. Also do some research on the company to see if they are legal or if their product has good quality. If there is no quality product the company will fail itself and you will loose all your money that you have invested into your organization. I hope this article will help you decide about your next MLM venture.