We’ve all seen the PPC advertisements or the banner ads – GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS. What’s not to love about the idea of telling someone your opinion and getting paid for it? It’s sort of like talk radio and you get to be the host. Say what you want and be rewarded for it? When was the last time that happened? The truth of most matters falls somewhere between the overblown hype and the worst story you’ve heard. You CAN earn money by taking surveys. After all, the individuals looking for survey participants need warm bodies to fill out the surveys so, if they can handle the process online it saves time and money for their company. Many people will fill out the profile and then wait for an incoming survey that will help them manage a few extra purchases for their family, but the surveys don’t seem to be coming in. The profile is checked and it seems to be in order, so why aren’t the survey offers being dropped like pennies from heaven? The answer may be as simple as not fitting the profile the company is looking for. For example let’s say the survey company is looking for a female in her thirties, middle income, and Latino. On your survey you might be listed as a male in his late forties, middle income and African American.
You don’t fit the profile they have put together for their survey needs so the paid survey does not come to you. The truth is in the middle. Yes, there are paid surveys and yes some people are making money, but there are also many who have never been offered the opportunity to fill out a paid survey. What may be most frustrating for many would be paid survey users is the variety of sites that will provide information on paid survey companies for a fee. You do NOT have to (nor should you) pay anyone for information on paid surveys. A company that wants to charge you should be avoided. Virtually every paid survey company has their information online and without fee. Essentially all you get for a membership in a site that provides details on paid surveys is a little extra convenience. These companies may the listing all in one place so it has the benefit of saving some time, but once again these sites are not needed if you choose to look for paid surveys to fill out. Do some research on your own. You will likely find survey sites that may be especially appealing and others that are not. Keep your profile current and then go do something else. I’m serious. Don’t spend your time checking and rechecking to see if you have a survey to fill out. This mentality only robs you of time you could be spending on other personal or professional pursuits. Paid surveys may come your direction, but continue to live life as if they aren’t. That way there can be genuine surprise when something finds its way to your inbox.
Stroll across any school campus these days and you’ll see iPods, MP3 players and other types of portable media devices everywhere you look.
These trendy gadgets have become a way of life for today’s students and a growing number of educators are starting to capitalize on it through podcasting.
Pioneering a powerful new form of online communications, podcasting for educators has become an effective way of interacting with students outside of the traditional classroom. It enables the delivery of radio-quality content that can be listened to anytime, anywhere – even when students are not connected to a computer. But before incorporating it into the curriculum, its important to exam some of the benefits of podcasting for educators and how others are already using the technology to improve and expand the education of their students. Universities were the first to embrace the technology, handing out iPods to freshman and making podcasts of lectures. At the K-12 level, teachers are just starting to explore the possibilities. But podcasting isn’t just about turning classroom lectures into online audio content. Many educators are turning PowerPoint presentations into podcasts, while others are using it to provide detailed audio explanations of frequently asked questions or as a tool for students to practice their vocabulary at home. Students can also create their own podcasts to interact with instructors or other students. In short, podcasting for educators adds a new dimension to teaching by making it a “cool” interactive communication between teachers and students Parents also benefit from podcasting as it allows them to take a more active role in the children’s education.
By simply programming their computers to automatically capture school broadcasts, they can keep track of how their children are doing in class and get the latest school announcements. The primary benefit of podcasting for educators is quite simple. It enables teachers to reach students through a medium that is both “cool” and a part of their daily lives. For a technology that only requires a computer, microphone and internet connection, podcasting has the capacity of advancing a student’s education beyond the classroom. Educators need to perceive devices like iPods and other portable media devices not as distractions to learning; rather, capitalize on it and turn them into effective tools for learning. i
The head of a movie company sits down with his or her executives and discusses potential movie deals that have optioned. They make a list of the prospects and then reduce the selection to a few they really feel have potential. The executives take that list and begin exploring ideas with creative staff and casting directors. The most promising films go into development with screen tests, costume and production and the film moves forward. The day comes when filming begins and a day when the filming ends. At that point the stars remain available for callbacks while the producer, director and editors begin the tedious work of capturing all the pieces and putting them together with effects and sound.
Someone else has been busy with their own list.
These marketing experts are locking in premier dates and additional screens for opening night. Other members of the marketing team are making lists for media interviews for the stars of the show. Still other team members are making lists for what media outlets will be used for advertising. I’m sure I missed a few lists somewhere, but the idea is that everyone develops lists. For instance, most stores will have information on file that lets their employees know who they don’t extend credit to or who they can’t accept a check from. All stores have a list of vendors. Service clubs and civic organizations have lists of those who have provided charitable giving and are likely to do so again. Political candidates have lists for contributors and those likely to support them in a public way. In each case these individuals worked organically to devise their list. They research prospects or draw from an already established pool. The success these individuals have with their lists is in direct proportion to their ability to make sure they have the best information for who should be contacted. When it comes to list building the same idea is applicable. You need to have a good handle on your recipients. This may mean you have to pay closer attention to detail. It may also mean that you only work with those who have either purchased your product or have expressed an interest in receiving information about your company.
List building is not about the cold call, but rather is an extension of the tentative trust given by those on your list. Those who receive information from you should not express anger at receiving your email. They may not be interested at the moment, but they should recognize you as someone they have willingly done business with in the past and may be more than willing to do so again in the future. If we revisit the movie analogy we can see that there were multiple lists for multiple efforts in reaching one goal – a successful movie. As your business grows you may find that you may need to build more than one list to cover the more specific needs of your consumer base. Take time to manage sound list building strategies. Your efforts will be much more successful if you do.
If you want to enjoy life and lead it to the full, you should work from home and according to the timings that you find most convenient. Do not slave for someone else but be your own master.
Those who prefer and need to work from home This is more often than not what women would prefer to do. Of course there are men who would opt for it too, but they are usually in the minority group. Women who have to be multi faceted and tend to have a lot more responsibility towards the home and the kids, need to find time to fit all their jobs into a single day and do not always find the time to mange a 9 to 5 job too. This is specially so when the kids are small and need more looking after. This is when they would prefer to work from home and take more time to care for their families too. Technically qualified and need job satisfaction too Many people who are highly qualified and yet find it difficult to coordinate all that they have to do, can also find job satisfaction by opting to work from home. Many companies hire personnel to work from their homes and to submit the work via internet periodically. This way, not only do those who are working for them benefit, but the companies also save a lot of money by way of perks and other expenses, that they would have to shell out for an employee who works in the office. By employing those who are willing and wanting to work from home, the companies cut down their own expenditure too. People who are technically qualified and willing to work from home are many and do this for many reasons too. Teachers, software programmers, Information Technology experts can all find online jobs or with institutes and companies who want to hire them directly on their pay roll to work from home. Have a clear and tidy work place To work from home you must ensure that your work area is free from clutter and is maintained in a neat and tidy way, so that you feel professional in whatever you are doing. Maintain a desk or work table that is well equipped with all the stationery that you will need for your work and not have to run around searching for it. If you have your work place in a separate room it is fine, but if it is part of the living or bed room area then you have to keep things in such a way that when others are around you do not get disturbed at work.
Maintain a discipline to do your work Even though you do your work from home you should have a schedule of sorts that fits in to your convenience and maintain these working hours. You know what the timings of your other commitments are and obviously you have opted to work from home so that you can take care of all this as well. So now even your work has to be fit into a slot where it does not suffer and you should not find that you are not able to keep up the schedule of submitting your work on time.
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