How To Quickly Achieve Financial Success With Your Own Internet Home Business

Rasheed Ali Have you ever wondered what the secret to quick and easy financial success is? Well, one of those secrets for more and more people around the world who are just like you and me is, starting your own internet home business! The thing is though, that there are some hidden secrets that the so-called ‘experts’ are usually not willing to share with you and others like you.

You see, those ‘secrets’ or principles can and will make you successful but the trick is finding the right person to teach you. The trick is finding a coach or mentor with a proven track record whose sole focus is your success! The most important mentor I had in my own internet business was a younger college student that I met online a few years ago. I mean, there I was young, strapping and in charge of the day to day operations of a multi-million dollar, international corporation and then one day this younger guy tells me that he makes more in a week online than I do in a month and most times more than I made in two months! Worse yet he was a full-time student with a heavy Singaporean accent so English wasn’t even his native language. At first I thought this guy is a joke, and he was pulling my chain just to mess with me. Then I thought he was into some shady type of illegal thing. But I have to say I was quite jealous when he showed me his internet home business income! WOW, was I impressed! Of course he proceeded to tell me EVERY step of how to make that kind of money and you know what happened… I did absolutely nothing! Yes, I Rasheed Ali was guilty of procrastination. I should have been locked up and actually, I almost had my self put away after doing 3 years of research into making money online.

The reason for that was I discovered that this college student guy who happens to be the great Jo Han Mok himself, had not only become a legend online but he had freely given me EVERY piece of information that I had just spent about $25,000 and 3 years to learn all over again.

It drove me nuts! I couldn’t believe I did that. Imagine what you could do if…you had someone to teach you the keys to rapidly building your own internet home business empire! As you keep skimming through this article, you’re beginning to think… “Hmmm? What are those keys?” So to make it easy on you I’ll list a rough sample of some of them here: • Decide what you want to do! In other words what type of internet home business do you want to start? Do some keyword research and see what people are looking for. • Take out a good old fashioned pen and paper and write down the next 10 steps you must take in order to accomplish getting your website up. These are small steps not HUGE overly exaggerated ones. Check them off as you go. When you complete them, write down the next 10 and so on. • Once your website is up research a good auto-responder program, purchase it and install it if necessary, then put up a subscription box on all of your live web pages in order to create a database of names and email addresses. This is a key defining factor in running a successful internet home business. Building a list of potential customers. • Write an attention grabbing headline and a short message that tells your future visitors about the benefits of your product, service or newsletter…NOT the features! Writing good direct response copy is a valuable skill that must be learned over time OR you can pay an experienced copywriter to do it for you if you have the money.

This one skill alone has made me financially free! • Give some valuable information on your topic to your new subscribers for free in order to build a trusting relationship with them. Relationship marketing is an extremely effective form of marketing and has the power to build you a vast fortune if applied correctly. • Create an e-book, CD or DVD on solving the most burning problems that people have in your industry. For example if your industry is the Golfing industry then maybe a product on improving your golf swing would be one that solves a burning problem. • Write a direct response styled sales letter and add a Paypal button at the end of it so you can collect payments. Again, this is a learned skill. • Start selling it to your subscribers, and then to the rest of the world! Now I’ll be honest that list is a VERY rough one but as you can see, it is extremely simple. The fact is that there are many smaller things that must be accomplished within each of those listed and even more that I haven’t mentioned here. It would take books and books of writing to accomplish that and this is just a short article. The fact of the matter is this, my friend… You can do what everyone else is doing and get the same kind of mediocre results they’re getting, or you can learn the powerful internet home business strategies that the successful entrepreneurs are using to create financial success and build empires at incredible speeds! Decide on your area of focus and take ACTION on it today!

Internet Marketing Promotion Advertising – Imagination

Given my present understanding of my ubiquitous lack of understanding of the world in general, I can’t help but smile just a bit when I think about my beliefs when I was around 15 years old.

I was in 10th grade at the time and good god did I ever have it all figured out. On a pretty consistent basis I would use words like “ignorance, short sighted and unaware” when talking to my mother; and I guess probably most other people that had the misfortune of chatting with me. As you can probably guess, it turned out that I really didn’t know everything. Well, here I am a full-grown adult and, fortunately, I am much, much wiser; I currently know that I don’t know anything. And, if I ever start to forget that, I am thankfully reminded on a consistent basis how little I really know. This just happened about 10 minutes ago, in fact. I thought that I had the internet marketing and advertising thing pegged. I was thinking about all those annoying pop ups and all the other advertising that frustrates me; on the up side this irritating new field of advertising has given rise to an unprecedented number of new jobs, for the people that are able to create all the software that shields the rest of us from the internet advertising.

So, anyways I had my mind made up that people could be divided up into two camps—the good and the bad. But, much like the Haitian Revolution, things have much more complexity than just black and white (haha, I just threw that in there to pretend like I did know something…I had to read a book for school).

Let’s get back to the topic at hand.

I sort of saw the internet marketers as a group that found their financial success wherever it happened to be and without consideration as to what was necessary in order to achieve it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they’re killing puppies or anything. But, I do think that there’s a certain pride that can come from contributing something positive to the greater community and those that choose to directly and consciously work in means that are in direct conflict with that aren’t on the good side. But, I just was informed about alittle thing that’s throwing a wrench in my good vs. evil dissection of the world. It’s the business that does networking for the internet advertisers and marketers. Now, it seems like the companies that are behind all the banner ads and the like are on the short end of the stick from these internet advertisers for the internet advertisers, the victim of uncouth internet practices.

This changes everything for me.

I’m not simply talking about internet advertising, but the mulit-layered complexities that is a spider web of friends and foes and who is crossing who and back stabbing who, while helping who else. Hmm, I have a lot to think about, but for sure I understand that I definitely don’t know anything.

Watch What You’re Getting From Free Web Meeting Come-ons

In signing up for web meetings, check out what are the free web meeting services provided. You may be getting a free trial run for 30 days, only to find out you’ve got to pay more features that are provided free by other service providers. So watch what you’re getting before you commit yourself or your business to a contract. What Is Actually Free Here Competing web service providers offer free web meeting solutions on a month’s trial. After the honeymoon, you might get the shock of your life when you have to pay steep monthly fees after trying out the free web meeting solutions. If you’re on the shopping stage, test the other service providers and compare features. You’ll always find one just suited to your personal or business needs. Mind you, not all free web meeting solutions are headache free. These free web-based applications provide users the following advantages: 1. sharing of spreadsheets in real time with collaborators from any point of origin. 2. sharing of PowerPoint presentations and live desktop streaming. 3. real time sharing of files. 4. real time responses to issues and queries. 5. no full financial obligations for web conferencing. Any catch? There are things to watch out for before you give out your credit card number after trying out free web meeting solutions.

Be aware that these free web meeting solutions are not part of a full package. Either the software is still being tested, or the features do no include the power applications that will make you web meetings both pleasant and convenient. What You’re In For In the meantime that you’re trying out the different offerings, evaluate the features available and applications that you need. You can arrive at some deductions after decided on the following: 1. Are the present features adequate? 2. Do you need chat and voice features for your meetings? 3. Are you comfortable with the present set-up? 4. Are the solutions adequate for meetings with more than 20 people? 5. Do need frequent conferencing with different but permanent bases? 6. Do you frequently poll participants and want immediate results? 7. Do you want a play-back feature? 8. Do you want your PowerPoint presentation to be available to all meeting participants? 9. Do you like to see the participants and do you want them to see you? If you’ve answered yes to all these questions, find free web meeting solutions that’ll match your needs. Fortunately, there are web conferencing providers that won’t tie you up to a monthly fee. You can just inform them you want a meeting on a specific time and you do the rest of the job. You can determine if the solutions are just right for your small business or your personal requirements. But if you’ve got more people and they’re scattered throughout the globe or in different parts of the state you’ll have to give careful thought to the free web meeting solutions that’ll go with the deal. While the free web meeting is offered, grab the opportunity. In the interim, you’ll get used to the features and become confident when making your choices once the trial period is over-but don’t sign up when it is standard policy that when you use the freebie you’re obliged to sign up even if the features of the free web meeting solutions were not tailor-fitted to your needs.

Are Top Web Sites Good For Everybody?

Top web sites are site lists focused around a common topic, for example clip art, pets, music etc. Sites on these lists are ranked in order of «votes» – the site that gets voted most gets the top place, the site that gets the 2nd biggest amount of votes gets the second place and so on.

The voting system is simple; each top web site member places a link back to the top web site on his site and for each visitor that clicks the link, the site gets one vote. WHAT ARE TOP WEB SITES? It’s a links site, that ranks member’s sites by the amount of traffic they send in. They usually rank a list of the top 10 – 100 sites focused around a common topic, for example health, business, music etc. The sites on these lists are ranked in order of «votes» – or referrers. The top referrers get one banner of theirs listed free of charge, in the top web sites section. The top web sites have three common areas:  The Index: that’s the actual list of sites ordered by hits in  The Sign up and Login page, where webmasters add their sites, modify setting and view stats  The Enter page. Some top web sites have gateway pages in order to protect themselves from cheating. In order to generate votes, each top web site’s member places a link back to the top web site on his web site, and every time one of his visitors clicks over that link, he gets one vote. The more votes he gets, the better his position will be on the top web sites list. The site that gets voted most gets the top place, the site that gets the 2nd biggest amount of votes gets the second place and so on. Obviously, most of the traffic that goes to the top web sites pages, go to the high ranking sites, although some of the lower-ranking ones can also get a reasonable share. And the top web sites pages get traffic through the voting system, so everybody gets more traffic. Top web site lists are then very similar to the reciprocal links exchanges; but with an important difference, at the top web sites lists, there is a «middleman» and you can’t really tell with which sites you’re exchanging traffic with. The main system utilized for requesting the «votes» to the top web site is usually a picture, and this could be a real problem.

If the link picture is too big or you put in a too prominent place, your site might look unprofessional. If you use a small link picture, then you might not get the votes you need to rise on the list because people might miss it. Top web site lists allow you to automate the link exchange and distribute traffic between participating sites according to the traffic they send in. And they increase the traffic to your web site for free. But as always the big question is: Do top web sites work? Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t, it all depends on the quality of the top web site in question. HOW SHOULD YOU CHOSE A TOP WEB SITE?  Look for one that doesn’t have any pop-up windows  It must have a lot of sites closely related to the subject of your site  It must have it’s own domain  Monitor the traffic you’re sending to the list and the traffic you’re getting from it. If you send more than you receive, resign and find another topsite or other promotion method. On «How to Sell on The Web» you can find dozens of ways to get traffic to your web site. HOW TO FIND YOUR TOP WEB SITE Look for sites dealing with the same subject as you. They might even already be a member of a related top site Look for «top site» «top web site» or «topsite» at the Search engines Browse the topsite list directory: www dot topsitelists dot com/directory/ Once you chose the top web site that you like, just fill out the form and your site will be ready to be visited.

Then you will have to ad to your place the HTML script that the top web site will give you.

This script is the one that will allow your visitors to vote from your site. ARE TOP WEB SITES GOOD FOR EVERYBODY? No, they aren’t… If you have a content web site, who’s objective is to provide resources to your visitors, then including your site in a a top web site’s list could be a good idea. If you have created an awesome site to sell products or services, and give the people the opportunity to vote for your site; they might get so enthusiastic with the good content of your site, that they decide to vote for you, so they click on the voting button and…! They jump to the top web sites page, and your sale is lost! WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM A TOP WEB SITE? To have a high ranking in a very visited top web site list can be very good for you, because it will increase your site’s traffic, and traffic means sales, and the opportunity to sell advertising space. If you chose well your top web site’s lists, picking up the ones with good traffic, and create a professionally designed site like «How to Sell on The Web» teaches you to build, you will get thousands of visitors to your site, and that will give you many sales. Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

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