Some hard hitting sales questions you need to ask yourself if you’re in sales.
Here are some hard hitting, soul searching questions to ask yourself if you’re in sales. Either as a sales manager or sales person. You can add to it by asking would you do next year what you did this last year? Will you be happy with that? Would you hire your current sales team? Are they good enough? Would you hire your next start based on what your last one did? Was that a success? Will you look for business in the same places next year as you did this year? Did you write enough business? Will you train yourself for more sales next year or just do the same things as last year? – not clever. Do you have an outstanding sales training source? If these questions are too hard or if you cannot answer them easily then you really need to have a sales and marketing health check. Tune up your sales skills and watch your earning skyrocket… not to do that is a mortal sin in my eyes. You must also make sure that anyone you entrust your sales training to has been in the trenches for a number of years, has the results to prove it and is training using current effective selling methods and not just re-hashing old sales methods that don’t belong in the marketplace anymore. Ask the hard questions now so when you need to be able to stand up to the highest scrutiny when you need to.
To get the most up to date, and FREE, comprehensive Sales and Marketing Health Check go to http://www. Here you will definitely be asked the hard sales questions that you can use to propel you to the top in selling. You need to be able to answer these tough questions and many more at the drop of a hat. Someone once told me if you can’t write the vital info about your company on a single sheet of paper in less than a minute, then you don’t have a handle on your company. The same is true if you’re a sales person and you can’t answer the tough questions.
If someone asked you about your conversion ratio you should be able to answer that in a heart beat. You should also have a handle on the amount of phone calls it takes to get an appointment. Can you honestly say you know your vital numbers like the back of your hand? I genuinely hope so. Sales mastery comes from a lot of hard work and great advice by someone who has been there and done it at the highest level. You need a coach or mentor who know what they are all about to push you so you can earn what you truly deserve. Selling is by far the best profession in the world today, it always has been and it always will be – fact. But you need to be trained to sell strategically or else just watch your earnings decline at a rate of notes that will simply embarrass yourself. Go along to the Strategic Selling Site and get your free Sales and Marketing Health Check today.
You will LOVE what you get…. William Stewart The Strategic Sales Trainer
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www. Every day, countless individuals sign on with various home business strategies looking for a way to find personal freedom and financial independence. Some make wise decisions that lead to a lifetime of prosperity.
Too many, however, embrace flawed models that create nothing but disappointment. There are so many home business strategies available, that it is almost impossible to keep track of them. New plans are introduced every day and the business of creating and promoting work at home plans is becoming its own massive industry. That means there are more great options available to those who want to escape the nine to five grind, but it also means there are more scams and dead ends than ever before. Spotting potential weaknesses of home business strategies allows one to cut their losses in a hurry and to seek out a more lucrative opportunity. Understanding some of the warning signs associated with poor home business strategies can prevent wasted effort and involvement altogether. Here are three characteristics often associated with the kind of home business plan that leads to more frustration than profit: First, if you don’t have immediately accessible and truly helpful back-up support, you might be in the middle of a quickly developing disaster. If the opportunity’s support system is simply calling someone in your “upline” who will direct you to spend more and more on motivational products or advertising, that’s just as bad as having no help at all. If the home business opportunity makes you “do it alone,” think twice about participation. If you are already “in,” think hard about getting “out!” Second, if part of the opportunity’s plan involves pitching a product or service to family and friends, you might want to look at it with a skeptical eye. Often, home businesses that focus on “signing up” others are often among the most problematic home businesses.
Not all such plans are dead-ends, but enough of them are to justify careful examination. Third, if you sense organization problems with any home business plan, you should see it as a red flag.
Waiting for commission checks or not receiving information on schedule can be a definite sign that things are not as solid as you need them to be. Make sure to align yourself with a plan that is solidly structured and well backed. It can be tough to avoid the rotten apples that seem to be multiplying in the work at home barrel, but it is possible to make a wise program decision by exercising an appropriate level of caution. Looking out for problems like the ones mentioned here is a great way of increasing the odds of your own home business success.
Vision Business Concepts Inc For some business owners, the definition of an Internet marketing strategy is merely having a website.
While that may have worked ten years ago, trying to compete with 8 billion other web pages today will simply be ineffective. Without defining your key strategies, your site will have no power to bring in any leads, and ultimately no additional revenue. Creating a strong Internet marketing strategy can be accomplished by working on four tasks. 1. Defining your target market. Just like in your traditional marketing, your online marketing clientele must be identified. Start with your current clientele. Every business has one type of client that serves them best. Think about that person, and take a few minutes to define their likes and interests. How are you reaching them in your traditional marketing? 2. Discovering where they exist online. Once you have a clear definition of who your target is, realize that those same people exist all around the world. What works for you in your local environment will transfer easily into the online world. Look around for similar resources online. If you target new moms, and use a local parenting magazine to generate leads, look into the online parenting sites. Many of them have online classified sections, or will allow you to place banner ads in their newsletters or on the site itself. If you’re a local service provider, and have a client base within 30 miles of your office, concentrate on finding resources that are targeting people in your local area. Many of today’s search and research tools will help you discover resources that apply to geographical locations. 3. Writing website copy to reach out to them. People typically write copy for their website in the same manner as a brochure. Yet a website is so much more. Your website is your sales team. It’s standing in for you 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week. What you say to your prospects in person should be conveyed into your website. Your website copy is what motivates your visitors to want to take the next step. Whether your next step is to sign up for a free report, or purchase a product or service, your goal is to lead your visitor by the hand, and make them want to move to the next step. The better you can direct your visitors, the more successful your site will be.
4. Working with your website weekly. The most important step to every Internet marketing strategy is to work on it again and again. If you use direct mailings in your business, do you mail just once and hope for the best? You wouldn’t be in business very long if you marketed in that fashion. Your website is a very similar marketing tool. If you create it once and leave it sit, you’ll never reach a successful level. But if you work with it weekly, you’ll see some amazing things happen quickly. Websites are meant to have new pages added; new content created; and become resources for other businesses and consumers. And the only way to do this is to have a plan that you stick with every week. Whether its adding a new section, or linking to other sites, working your site just a few hours a week can have tremendous results over the life of your business.
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Occasionally, a time will arise in our lives in which we need to find out who is the owner of a certain telephone number. For example, someone may keep calling you without leaving a message and you want to find out who it is. Or maybe someone is prank calling you and you want them to stop. Perhaps a telemarketer won’t stop calling despite your pleas to be left alone. Or maybe you suspect your husband and wife is cheating and you see a strange number on his or her cell phone. Whatever your reason may be, you will most likely end up using a reverse phone number lookup service. These paid services can research any telephone number and provide you with a full phone report including the owner’s name, address, connection status, type of phone line, and other details. But before you spend money on these services let me tell you about a free method for looking up phone numbers.
Just go to Google, Yahoo, or MSN, enter the telephone number, and click «search».
You may have to experiment a bit to get the right results.
Try entering the number both in quotes and out of quotes, and try different number formats including: 777-777-7777 7777777777 (777)777-7777 While this method is free, it is not the most reliable. You have to hope that the owner posted his or her number somewhere on a website, forum, or blog such as MySpace. Also, keep in mind that the results are not guaranteed and could be outdated or outright incorrect. Of course, it can’t hurt to try since it’s not costing you anything. But if you strike out with the search engine method, your best bet is a reverse phone number lookup service. While they aren’t free, the cost is pretty fair for the amount of information provided and the time saved. It would cost hundreds of dollars to pay a private investigator to collect all of the information in a typical phone report, but online services can offer you the same detailed information for around $14 per number. Also, some services will let you pay a one-time fee (usually around $39-59) for the right to run as many phone number searches as you want. Why do they charge for the lookup service? Well first of all that’s their business. If you were able to provide such a valuable service would you just give it away? Also, the lookup services themselves are charged for each search they run. This is because their searches involve submitting a query to the databases of various telephone companies and cell phone carriers.
The carriers charge the lookup service a fee each time the need to access the database for a search, so the lookup service has to pass along the cost to you. If they didn’t they’d quickly find themselves out of business. For this reason, there is no such thing as a free reverse phone number lookup service. They just don’t exist. And if you see a lookup service promising «free» results, use caution. They are either using deceptive marketing to lure you in or they are teasing you with a free search in hopes that you’ll pay for another of their services.
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