If you are involved in product creation you could take a lesson from rabbits and rats. I know, I can just imagine you scratching your head as you wonder what furry creatures have to do with product creation.
Both of these animals were designed to be productive when it comes to the number of offspring they can have. For instance the rabbit can mate by three months of age. Their gestation period is slightly more than a month and they can have as many as 12 kits in each liter. They can also live up to twelve years of age. By the way if you were curious a rabbit is a lagomorph while the rat is a rodent. A female rat can begin to reproduce as early as 35 days of age.
These rodents can also have as many as 12 pups and multiple annual litters.
Unlike the rabbit a rat will generally live just 2-3 years, but could have a few hundred offspring and preside over many generations of rats during that time. So what can a lagomorph and a rodent teach us about product creation? Simply put these two creatures teach us that more may be better. Thomas Edison used existing products to make new or better products and he never stopped at one product. He held multiple patents for his devices and he kept trying new things. This philosophy is what’s needed for those involved in product development. Always keep developing – always keep dreaming. Let me present a scenario for your consideration.
A business owner has what they feel is a great idea for a product launch.
They have researched the idea; they have developed the product and are banking on the buzz factor for the product. They are so convinced this is THE idea they were meant to create that they invest everything in the product and do not look at additional product creation. What happens if the product fails? Obviously this business owner risks potential financial ruin because they did not consider a contingency plan. What if this same business owner involved himself or herself in the creation of multiple products released on a slightly staggered basis? The new product ads to the overall product line and the success vs.
failure ratio is spread out among a variety of products and not simply one that may succeed or fail. Like the rats and rabbits, work on a product creation gestational cycle where new products are being developed on a consistent basis. Obviously low cost products are the most cost effective means of developing multiple products, but even high end products could be retooled to add new options or trim to an existing model. It is highly probable that you will develop a product that does not connect with your customers, but there is an equal chance that one or more of the products you create will become a best seller for your business. The product creation strategies you implement could be in tangible goods or it could be in new software applications or ebooks.
These final two products may not be overly expensive to create and carry the potential for a longer shelf life. When it comes to product creation thing big – and think plenty.
The use of search engines in locating information has become so central to our daily lives that it is hard to imagine a world where one cannot simply “google” driving directions just before heading out to the car.
This availability of information, unprecedented in human history, is still a new concept, yet it has revolutionized the way we live, even in our humdrum, day-to-day activities. Need a new recipe in time for dinner? Conduct a search (and forward it to me@ConductSearch.com!). Forgot your anniversary and need a gift by tomorrow morning? Piece of cake. It’s become second nature to not only snatch instantaneous solutions from the Internet, but to trust that they will be there. Just because we’ve so readily accepted search doesn’t mean anyone thinks it’s fully developed. I offer only your typical financial headlines: Google does this, Yahoo does that, Exxon searches for oil – everybody searches! Tech advances beget tech advances and search is still a work in progress, a particularly interesting work in progress. The concept of search need not even be limited to alphabetical means. Microsoft is firing imaginations with image search…for more imagery. Somewhere in Washington State (I think) teams of cyber savants have been taking steps toward incorporating this imagery hunt functionality into the search engine. The goal is to allow users to input an image file as the search parameter in order to return associated image results.
While the technical process admittedly remains mysterious to those of us not actually working on it, its aim of a searchable database free from the ambiguity of language is a beautiful notion, even if it’s not the end all of search itself.
Let’s say that you were interested in researching a fancy home furnishing company called “Hammer and Co.”. You’d open up your web browser and enter the name in the search bar on Google, right? Your Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) will show hundreds of results…M.C. Hammer, tools, and the like. There will be some, if not lots of, sifting to do. But, were you able to input an image of Hammer Son’s distinctive purple tulip logo in the search field, you may get a glimpse of Hammer’s lovely wormwood designs. Heavenly. Engines utilizing “image search” will distinguish content, spatial qualities, pixel dimensions and placement, the size of images, and various other factors in its comparison. While the technology is not quite ready to be unveiled for general use, Microsoft’s purchase of Vexcel, a specialist in imagery, remote sensing and «photogrammetry» does bolster support for the theory that we are not far off from being able to take a photo of a stranger with a camera-phone and running an internet-wide search for that person instantly. It seems the internet cannot be further leveraged to the end of radical technological advancement and social change, it is. Web 2.0 expands infinitely outward into a world of possibilities that need only be imagined to become true.
Every day, the Internet reaches a mind-boggling number of people, putting amazing amounts of information at their fingertips. Lately, however, it seems that Web surfers have begun to change the way they find that information. Although the Internet was originally conceived as a medium by which information could be freely exchanged, membership websites – sites that charge membership fees for access to informative content – are becoming increasingly more popular. “The Internet is no longer free,” observed Michael Rasmussen, author of the e-book ‘How to Start Your Own Highly Profitable Internet Membership Web Site.’ “People are eagerly seeking information, and they will gladly pay for what they perceive as more valuable, reliable content.” Membership websites include news sites and expert information sites, such as CNN.com and The Wall Street Journal (WSJ.com). Although an extensive Internet search can often turn up the same information contained on these sites, many Web surfers simply don’t have the time. They prefer to pay a membership fee and get the desired information easily and immediately – rather than taking the time to find the information themselves. According to Rasmussen, there is a formula that all successful membership websites must follow. His information, available at www.MembershipSiteInfo.com, explains the workings of building and running a membership website. Readers learn what are the most popular topics that people are willing to pay for, and why; how to find valuable content for membership websites; tips on designing a site that is both attractive and functional; and methods for successfully marketing a membership website.
Written from Rasmussen’s own extensive experience, the resource is guaranteed to help entrepreneurs tap into the growing popularity of membership websites. “This is the future of the Internet,” Rasmussen said of paid membership websites. “People today want quality information. If you can offer them reliable, accurate information on topics that they’re interested in, they are more than willing to pay.” For more information about membership websites, check out the website www.MembershipSiteInfo.com.
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New World Opportunities Inc.
It is midway through 2006 and we have an unprecedented number of people from around the globe on the internet attempting to build an online business and a successful one at that. More and more ,many of these people are discovering that the state-of-the-art tools provided them turn out to be very rusty,ineffective and out of date. To compound the situation,many «sponsors»,»uplines» and «directors» who were so abundantly available before money transacted seem to fall off the face of the earth in the aftermath. So how does one go about seeking the utopian business model to either supplement or totally replace their current method of income? Well,one needs intelligent information to make an informed decision and to gather that requires a detailed analysis or as we like to call it in the industry,doing their «due diligence». However it is certainly valuable to know what you are looking for and for that purpose,I have prepared a series of criteria that will fit that mold. These are the essential elements I look for when evaluating any offline/online business opportunity: A program must be a one-time fee only. No monthly or recurring costs other than operational costs associated with marketing and advertising. Just no additional acquisition costs! Commissions must exceed 60%.Internet transactions consist of intellectual and informational property. These should easily provide sufficient profit margins of this magnitude to a distributor otherwise,move on. These payments should also be made directly to the member and not the company as I’ve seen far too many monies go directly into the company’s coffers forever remaining there leaving the sales force high and dry. Each program must have one or more products in high demand that have an almost universal appeal to most of the general population. The successful candidate of a program should be non-inventory intensive and should require no physical handling or forwarding of packages.
Everything should be deliverable via the internet. The ideal program must be available worldwide justifying the efforts of the internet marketer’s time,energy and resources. The program should have no sales targets or quotas required of its people. The program will have the proper tools,resources,and knowledge to ensure the program can be marketed with such ease that an average 13-year old could execute it. The ultimate program must have a business model that generates both active and residual income. Ideally,you can add passive.Let me clarify. Active income is generated by those who choose to be aggressive in their marketing efforts,passive is a method whereby those that choose not to be assertive in their efforts can still see significant gains and residual is a model that allows each member to make money off of each person who comes in under them. Remuneration if you will. Saving the best for last. I have personally scrutinized thousands and have got my hands busy in several hundred of those opportunities easily spending over $150,000 in the process and I have to conclude-based on these experiences - that the paramount of opportunities consists of one undertaking NO selling,closing,prospecting,advertising,3-way calling and therefore NO rejection ! Unparalleled customer and technical support is a major plus to be considered.
There are very few opportunities that will pass this very stringent test.
Even then they would still have to stand up to further testing in the cash flow and income sectors. That being said,you would still discover that many of them fall in the low end of the internet spectrum thus requiring that thousands of «units» be sold each month just to get by. These are not businesses but more of a pastime.Pastimes will not prove to be lucrative. There is a business that does not require a significantly large start-up by most standards and affords one the ability to recoup their stake VERY quickly. It is a business whereby I have seen results unheard of in my previous forays into the marketing abyss. In fact, it is one held in such high regard that CNN in conjunction with The Discovery Channel recently selected it amongst hundreds of entries for their «Model of Excellence». Its automation is cutting edge and all one does is plug-in with ready to go web portals and tools. You can advertise or choose not to selecting a few pathways where it is all done for you for a very nominal , reasonable fee. Where most every opportunity - good or bad-has been maligned by those who cannot think outside of conventional «wisdom» or whom never got their enterprise off the ground; I have seen this elite model even pass that rigorous test ! Many get qualified in their first two weeks and a vast percentage are realizing $10,000-$20,000 per month by month 3 and I personally know many who are attaining $100,000 + months in the same time frame.
For more insight keep an eye out for CNN and The Discovery Channel and for those who enjoy XM and Sirius satellite radio-keep an ear out !
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