Karl Stadler We all want them, some of us have them, but we all need them. This could easily be a verse in the internet marketers’ anthem. The term squeeze pages or landing pages have been around for a while but its true value is only now being realized by most. It is not specifically aimed at affiliate marketers but its main purpose and most valued attributes are for the affiliate marketer. Most affiliate marketers are faced with the dilemma of building subscriber lists to create more sales and ultimately a long term business. As an affiliate marketer you do not have access to the details of people who bought the products you are promoting, that is in the hands, or rather the hard drive, of the owner of the product. It is a fact; sales are in a list of interested buyers. The key word here is interested. When you know which people are interested in what type of product you have already won half the battle. Building these specific lists is the main benefit of using squeeze pages. Do not see your list as a group of people who are subscribing to some form of a newsletter, or other generic information.
Just as you are selling different products as an affiliate, you should have different lists and different information for all of them. Now if this seems to be a lot of work to you, it is, but if you want to make money you will unfortunately have to do some work. If you create squeeze pages for every product you are selling, your subscribers will be targeted. This means that if you are promoting a product that has to do with keywords, all people subscribing through that squeeze page will be looking for easier and better ways of finding keywords. The chances are very good that they will also have a keen interest in SEO products and products relating to adsense. So you are able to easily nail down your different niches and the subscribers who are interested in very specific products. One thing many marketers do, whether it is right or wrong, is the moment someone subscribes to their newsletter they blast them with ads in every single mail they send out. It feels like a sudden flurry of products thrown straight in your face with every email you receive. You judge if that works or not. Although your subscribers have a keen interest in the products you are offering, they also subscribed to get information. That is what you told them when they subscribed to your newsletter. If all your newsletters are just sales pages disguised as informational emails, how long do you suppose they will be reading your emails for? If you want to build a good client base you should first build a relationship with your subscribers. Once they feel they know you, and you know what you are talking about, will you be able to sell to them successfully and they would not mind buying from you. You go about doing this by sending out emails that gives valuable and useful information. Do not make any major sales pitches in your first emails, keep them simple and informative. At the end of your emails ask for comments on what type of information your subscribers would like to receive.
Collect and analyze all of the data and you will have a better understanding of what they really want. Next step is to give them the information they requested through your newsletters. Then either create or find a good product that would fulfill that need and market that product to them. It is not all about selling but is all about building relationships with your subscribers. Just like you do not like to be sold to with every email you receive, neither do they. So create your squeeze pages and build relations with your subscribers, the money will follow.
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It may be hard to believe, but the Internet as we know it is just over 10 years old. So, what does the crystal ball show us about the coming evolution of web marketing? Web Marketing – A Look Into The Crystal Ball E-commerce has grown by leaps and bounds and continues to set new marks every year. As comfortable as you and I might be using the Internet, it is really only in its infancy. As huge as Google is, it was only created in 1998. Think about that for minute. Google is less than 10 years old. My, how far we have come! As the Internet continues to grow, how web marketing will evolve is a much discussed subject.
There is little doubt the future is bright. As more people join up with the Internet revolution, e-commerce continues to grow. Still, one can’t help but acknowledge Internet users are becoming more sophisticated, particularly as a younger generation moves into adulthood and gets issued credit cards.
Web marketing is currently a bit of a mess. Remnants of the old, such as banner ads and email marketing, are arguably one their way out. Banner ads produce horrific click through rates because people are wary of getting stuck on a site they can’t get away from. Email marketing is tainted by problems such as spam, phishing scams and identity theft concerns. Personally, I delete all email that isn’t from a person I know. It is just too risky. The dominant web marketing models now are pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization. Search engine optimization will be around as long as people use search engines. The promise of free traffic is simply too glorious to ignore. Since it is fairly difficult to commit fraud in search engine optimization, it is difficult to see any future legal issues threatening it. That being said, people will always find ways to bend the rules. Pay-per-click advertising [“ppc”] has a less clear future.
The primary problem is click fraud.
Click fraud occurs when a ppc ad is artificially clicked. The only intention of the clicker is to cost the advertiser money. Some estimate the percentage of fraudulent clicks on ppc platforms runs as high as forty percent. If true, this theoretically means you could take forty percent of your advertising budget, use it as toilet paper and get the same sales results. Pretty scary, eh? So, what do the next 10 years hold in store for marketing on the web? In my personal view, search engine optimization will remain the dominant online marketing method. PPC will also continue, but will be modified into something used to conquer click fraud. I also think information publishing in the form of free copyright articles will become more and more dominant.
Combined, these three platforms represent the future of web marketing. Of course, nobody could have foreseen the explosion of EBay ten years ago, so we may all be surprised by where things stand in five or ten years. Considering Google is less than 10 years old, nobody can really say what might pop up tomorrow.
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Since the product is so sound, it has withstood assaults by the scammers and marginal developers.
It has reached maturity to the point that the major timeshare players from here on will be the Hiltons, Marriotts, Hyatts, etc. Timesharing works! Most people who own them love them. Not everyone, however, can keep them forever. While the developers were pumping out virtually millions of new timeshares, no attention was paid to what happens when someone wants to or must resell them. Just now a method of resales is beginning to happen. Unfortunately it is way overdue. Prices fall in a market vacuum and when there was no system, people would try to sell their timeshares, fail, drop the price and fail again. What would stocks and bonds be worth if there were no New York Stock Exchange? The result was such that the pricing of timeshare resales fell to ridiculously low levels. Most resales now are priced at about a quarter of replacement value (75% off). Let’s face it. Timeshare resales represent one of the greatest consumer values anywhere today. Does that mean that the public paid too much for the timeshares they bought from the developers? Not really. In my many years in the business there have been very few timeshare developers who really made a lot of money. Anyone developing a new project today must price it way up there just to recover his or her investment and hopefully make a reasonable profit. For one thing the cost of selling new product is very high. Remember all those free gifts you got when you went to the timeshare presentation? Guess what? They weren’t free. The cost was in the price. About half the price of new product went to sales and marketing costs. The second major factor was financing. The people who made the real money in timesharing were the lenders. The hotel chains do not have such high marketing costs due to economies of scale. Further, they in most cases do their own financing. If you have priced such product, you will find that it still goes for two to three times that of resales. Unfortunately, some of the left over scammers from the original business saw another great opportunity, that of preying on the timeshare owners who needed to sell.
The system was simple. They would call the owners of timeshares and say that they had their timeshares sold for a lot of money and would consummate the transaction as soon as they had received $350 or $500 or $3,000 up front. Needless to say, as soon as they had enough money, they would close down and move on to the next county where they would start the process over. They were hard to catch although some progress has been made recently and some of them (way too few) are now in prison. The simple solution for you to this problem is to just not pay front sales fees. You will be right most all of the time. The payment of nominal advertising fees is of course legitimate. Just as you would place an ad in the newspaper (doesn’t work for timeshare resales), some specialty advertising is necessary if you want to attempt to sell the timeshare yourself. Once you are over $100 for such services you are probably paying too much. As an example, one legitimate resale broker holds auctions. He charges up front for the auction hall and advertising because the auctioneer charges him those same fees. People such as us saw a need to provide a legitimate method of resales. This timeshare sub-industry is just now in its infancy. So what will happen next? We have already seen it. As the resale industry becomes more efficient, it will exert more and more upward price pressure and the prices will go up! We have seen a major impact in the resorts in which we are involved. Most of the really low priced timeshares have already resold. It’s like harvesting apples. You shake the tree and pick up the apples. The next time you have to shake the tree harder. As the prices go up, two things will happen. The sellers will not have to take such a big loss and the buyers will not get such good deals. It seems that the public is starting to understand this.
We have seen a great upsurge in the business in just the last few months. As we tell potential sellers, as long as you are using the timeshare, renting it or otherwise achieving value out of it, there is no real downside to hanging on to it until the prices rise. On the other hand, if you are getting no use out of it, it’s like the retail business where the first markdown is the least costly. Whereas the price will go up, it’s highly unlikely it will go up faster than the buildup of homeowner’s dues and taxes. As a result, it’s better to just take your lumps and sell it as soon as you can. On the other hand, if you are a potential buyer, don’t wait around! You can either obtain a timeshare now at these ridiculously low prices or you can wait and pay more later for the same thing. Your call.
There are several mediums in which you can make money. If you donґt have money, well pretty much you canґt live a very comfortable life. There are countless ways to put the green presidents in your pocket in legal ways. You could get a job, work for someone, do porn, or you can sell stuff on Craigslist. These are just a few of the numerous ways to make dollars and live a happy life. One of the things I just mentioned is selling stuff on Craigslist to make money. Well this is a terrific idea if you want to capitalize on this idea. Craigslist is one of the best mediums in which to advertise something you want to get rid of and make a few bucks. The best part about Craigslist is that the service is completely free. If you were to go to your local newspaper location, they might charge you up to ten dollars a day to advertise something that you wan to sell. Other places also charge you money in order for you to advertise something.
Why pay money when you are trying to make money right? Craigslist is so much better because you have the potential to make the maximum amount of money you want to receive for whatever you are trying to get off your hands. Another great advantage of making money with Craigslist is that you can post whatever you want and it has the possibility to be seen by literally millions of people. With our local paper, only thousand probably see your add. Craigslist is a world wide service so it is seen by lots of people of different demographs. Some people donґt get the paper or other adds services, but they do get the Internet. So when people surf the world wide web, countless numbers of these people go to craigslist just to browse different things. They might see your add and be super interested and want to pay for whatever you are selling. These people would never have had a chance to see your item if you didnґt use Craigslist. More people see your add when using Craigslist to make money. There are numerous places and sites similar to Craigslist that offer the same services but Craigslist is the best. This site is known for high quality and reliability. Many people use this site to make money on whatever product they might be trying to sell and have no problems. You can pretty much sell whatever you want to and it should sell quite fast. Craigslist organizes your product in a similiar category so it makes it easier for people to find it when searching for a similar product. Itґs all around a win win when trying to make money with Craigslist. If you are trying to make money, sell some of your stuff you donґt want or never use. Post it on Craigslist and it you will soon gets calls and emails from people who want to give you money for these items. The saying goes, “one mans garbage is another’s treasure.” Use Craigslist to make that paper.