How to Use Free Internet Marketing Methods to Promote Your Internet Business

Jason Chew Best things in life are free, as many would say. This especially holds true with efforts in advertising one’s products or services. With free Internet marketing services, one can save a lot. Instead of shelling out for the marketing aspect of your product or services, that chunk of money could be put to other important elements of your business since many information websites now offer knowledge regarding Internet marketing services that comes with no price tag at all. This is not to tell you that better focus on plain Internet marketing. It still will do your business a lot good if you mix traditional advertisement efforts such as traditional and new marketing media. Here are few of the free methods that you could employ to make your products and services be in their most visible, thus saleable, form. 1. Promote your business through free search engine submission and optimization. Submit your website to various search engines monthly. This will make many more people know that your website actually exists. Aiming for the top search engines will help a lot in this endeavor. 2. Improve your articles. Remember that information on articles with good content as traffic-bringer of websites? This time it’s about making these articles serve your website better by using keyword suggestion tools that are offered for free. Update your web site’s content by regularly checking the standing of your keywords with the current market.

3. Acquire free content. If you have no time to increase the SEO or search engine optimization-friendliness of your articles, you can look for free content from article directories.

All you need to do is retain the resource box of those write-ups. 4. Avail of free comprehensive web traffic analyzers. These are tools that you can make use of without costing you a cent. Your website’s hits statistics will be produced by this kind of Internet marketing tool for your own analysis. 5. Learn to manipulate web design templates. You don’t have to be too techie-geeky to be able to design your web site. Oftentimes, web design templates or custom-made layouts are available for the Internet marketer to use. 6. Monitor your website’s visibility. Tools such as search engine position trackers may be used to see your website’s standing. These processes are very convenient to use as long as you keep in mind that you use and try to master their use for your own benefit. Just don’t get obsessed with your achievements when you finally learn how to use them and incorporate them in your Internet marketing feat.

The Secrets To Maximizing Your Residual Income

The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word ‘leverage’ as: “Positional advantage; power to act effectively.” It has been known and proven over and over that the key to creating fast growing residual income regardless of the product on sale is through a method called Network Marketing. Despite its notorious reputation in making people feel skeptical after failing so many times, still it is responsible for making extraordinary streams of income for many ordinary people. Thus you always see more and more companies utilize this method. What is their number one secret? Besides not easily giving up and joining a reputable company with a proven compensation plan, they recognize the power of leverage. OPR or Other People’s Resources, that is. Unless you are a superhuman needing no eat or sleep, you can only work so many hours with so much energy. A network with your taking positional advantage will put leverage into motion. The greater the network is, the more OPR be put into work. However, most people have been fed up with MLM or confused with the real Network Marketing. Although there are many good MLM companies, few provide all their members with equal opportunities to be insanely successful, not to mention a line of high-demand, hot selling products which needs minimum or no inventory or maintenance.

In order to make a serious yearly residual income (more than $100,000 per year), you need a combination of a leveraged system and quality products.

You need to make money not only from your efforts but from those you bring in.

Leveraging is how every self-made millionaire got where they are today. You will never become wealthy by yourself. It’s impossible. It takes others to help you achieve wealth. As an example of the leveraging power there is a simple system called “2 UP” that has started to be recognized as one of the most powerful income building system. Products are also one of the main factors in determining your network marketing success. Your products need to be unique either in quality, price and/or demands compared to the competitors. Another factor is active training from the people who own or run the company. The training will have to help not only seasoned marketers but especially newcomers to succeed so that every member feels confident and not being left behind. Last but not least, the Internet makes it possible for leveraging to come to its maximum potential. The World Wide Web has played a very important role in reaching out to the mass in a very affordable way. Every serious network marketer has to eventually rely on its power as Internet is becoming a part of more and more people’s lives and activities, not to mention ways to earn a living…. very nice living. To see an example of a company that combines everything explained above, go to  – ReapersNet Marketing.

The Power Of The Podcast

Podcasting is an equal opportunity venture. You have homespun hobbyists and longtime professionals developing their own bit of audio for worldwide consumption. You can find podcasts on politics podcasts, tax tips, music of the 80’s, original drama, humor, classic automobiles, and guitar instruction. In fact, the list of additional podcasts is limited only by your imagination. Some producers use a simple USB microphone attachment that is picked up and recorded by software in your computer. From there it can be manipulated, mixed and saved as an mp3 file. Many podcasts do not rely on studio equipment and mixing. The audio creator is simply using the simplest means of recording intelligible thoughts and then allowing site visitors to consume the information at will. Podcasting is to mp3 downloads what web cam videos are to YouTube. They can be entertaining, informative or simply background. As the idea of podcasts continues to grow the prevailing mystery of producing, saving and distributing an audio file is essentially fading away too.

There was a time when many computer users were intimidated by the thought of trying to upload a text file then photos, but as a familiarity with computers continues to improve the exploration of new ideas makes audio distribution a highly personal way to deliver a point. For Fred and Eric this means shutting the door to their computer room every Friday night and spending a couple of hours producing a fifteen-minute podcast. They both have indicated their wives wonder what they do for two hours and why they spend time developing a podcast if there is no pay involved. Both men chuckle when they relate the marketing potential wrapped up in these free podcasts. One has a small record label and the audio he produces points listeners to the label website to purchase some of the material presented. The other does voice work for clients and his podcasts highlights his skills while he gives free advice about how to do voice work for clients. Neither of these gentlemen is interested in discontinuing their podcasts. It is true they do not see tangible revenue from the download of their audio, but the their work is essentially an entertaining and informative advertisement for their primary sites where purchases can, and are, being made. The best news is they don’t make their podcasts blatant advertising. In both cases they utilize something that encourages listeners to come back, and they are. Each of these podcasts are subject to an RSS feed and one has even moved to offer the feed as a phone download if the listener is on the go or may not have immediate access to a computer.

The truth about podcasts is they are not only for the broadcast professional. All around the world these audio elements are created in basements, cottages, mansions and studios. The acceptance of podcasts is generally strong and while your weekly listenership may not be as strong as a national radio program it does offer something that some of these programs don’t offer – the ability for consumers to listen when they want to listen. The notion of on demand listening and viewing is changing the way the world thinks about how they accept material and it is having an impact on traditional radio and television stations. This is the power of the podcast.

Internet Marketing – The great missing secret doesn’t exist

llbglobal I’d like to take a few minutes of your time to discuss Internet marketing. If you are new to the business then you may have already become overwhelmed by all of the hype and sales pitches. Maybe you have been searching for that one secret that will set you free from your job and put you on a career path of your own. I have been a successful Internet marketer for two years now and I was once a lot like you. I spent thousands of dollars on ebooks and training manuals.

I paid thousands more to take Internet coaching courses. I read every article, every blog, every book I could find on the subject. It’s funny that most people will buy a product that they think will be the answer to their prayers only to forget about it a month later and then start the cycle all over again buying more books, taking more courses and on and on. I’m not pointing fingers because I did exactly the same thing over and over again. I can’ t tell you how much money I lost of “Get Rich Quick Scams”. Now, I’m not a stupid person. I desired to build my dreams just like everyone else. It wasn’t until I came to the realization that trying to do it all alone simply doesn’t work. Some of the greatest minds in human history did great things because they surrounded themselves with other great people. Take Henry Ford for example; Ford was an under-educated man who had nothing when he started out. But Ford surrounded himself with a group of people that he believed in. When Ford was building the first V-8 engine it took his engineers over a year to come up with a design that worked. He never gave up on his idea even when the engineers said it could not be done. My point is that too many people think they will stumble on some great secret that only they will know and they will guard it with their lives. They will be the only ones who hold some special key and they alone will market this secret without giving away the actual secret. All this thinking leads to disappointment because there is no secret. I built my company by believing in people as Henry Ford did. I don’t hold some great secret. I surrounded myself with like-minded people and together we built a wonderful Internet company helping people to get started in the Internet business. We believed from the beginning that we would succeed and two years later our company has become not just a source of income but also a source of pride.

Why would I try to hide some secret and then market it to you when I could show you how to be your own marketer and let you do your own thing.

There is plenty to go around.

We do not live in a closed society. Some of my best clients come from overseas ventures. If you stop thinking locally and focus globally your world will open up new frontiers for you.

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