Would not it be great if you could study for playing trivia games and are paid for your time? With many internet companies pushing for article marketing for their websites, it is possible to earn money working from home and learn a few things along the way. Article marketing is one of the most popular methods for websites to be noticed on the internet and more people are employing search engines to find what they are looking for online. Companies either employ a writer to produce these articles or hire freelance writers to producing informational articles about the products or services they are offering. In many cases, these articles are not going to be posted on the actual site; rather they use them for inclusion in newsletters and ezines along with a link to their website.
When a visitor searches for a specific search term, they hope the articles show up in the search results and the visitor clicks through to their site.
Search engines do look for articles that are rich in information and a good freelance writer can place specific key words into an article in a way in which the article’s information flows properly and still attracts the search engine spider’s attention.
There are many ways of irritating the search spiders, but information rich content articles can make them hungry for more. While there is no concrete number that companies use to determine how many articles they need to produce on a regular basis, they know they have to provide fresh content on a regular basis. Some claim that two or three articles per month is enough while others claim that producing 40, 50 or more every month brings them more visitors. They also do not always focus on their website’s landing page; instead, they produce a few articles for each different page on their site. They do not care which page the reader is drawn to, as long as they end up on their site. Not every company has a writer on their staff and most will use ghostwriters to produce content articles they can use. By using ghostwriters, the articles are written by freelance writers who, unless experienced and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects will have to perform some perfunctory research in order to produce articles with intelligent information. Freelance writers have to accept the fact that their name is not going to appear on these article and payment per article is relatively low. Writing internet content is not a glamorous position, yet once a person become proficient at producing quality content in a short amount of time can make money working at home.
Some companies are willing to take a chance on a person who has very little experience in writing content articles for the internet and over time, a competent freelance writer can add other companies to their list of clients for whom they write. Many will look for a minimum of 10 articles produced in a week, with an average word count between 400 and 500 while some freelance writers can churn out over 100 articles a week.
Anwar Ahmed Ally Okay, you’re reading this because you want to make money online. You are fairly new to this, so you want some assistance. Well, you’re reading the right article. I will attempt to show you the basics on how to start an online money-making venture as quickly as possible.
The internet, through its sheer size, can be a bit overwhelming for a newcomer especially if there’s so many different types of lucrative opportunities out there.
Follow these simple steps to get started. STEP 1: Understand how money is made on the internet In its simplest form, money can be made on the internet in roughly three ways: By setting up your own web site A web site can be an ideal way to make money online. However, it should be pointed out that you have to be prepared to put in a lot of hard work and have a great deal of patience. Your web site can make money by you offering a product or service on it or by earning advertising revenue or both. You can sell just about anything on a web site but it is recommended that you start with items that are instantly downloadable like software or ebooks. This spares you the agony and extra work of having to specially ship physical items around the world. You will start by choosing a domain name, registering it and hosting your site. You need to design a site to suit your needs and what you have to sell. You can use the services of a web designer to do this for you or if you are the creative sort with reasonable computer knowledge and some good common sense, you could do this yourself –it’s not that difficult! You will also need the ability to accept credit card payments from your customers. This has become reasonably easy to do these days by simply making use of a third party processor. Search for these on the search engines.
You then need to market your web site either by way of paid ads or by using good Seo (search engine optimization) techniques to get your site ranked well in the search engines. An alternate method of making money with a web site is by offering free, useful and quality content that appeals to users. Once you have built up a decent amount of regular visitors, you host Google Adsense ads. Google will pay you a commission on all their ads that are clicked on your site. You can also offer paid advertising to other web sites on your own by way of text or banner ads. By doing some sort of online work for a company There are numerous genuine companies out there that offer part time work to ordinary individuals. You can find research work, taking of surveys, data capturing, typing, etc. You can source these companies by searching for them on the search engines. By participating in affiliate programs Affiliate programs are popular with work-at-homers. An affiliate program is simply an advertising/marketing program run by company/web site in which they get members to refer visitors to their site. Members are paid per visitor or per sign-up or a combination of both. Most affiliate programs are free to join and the company will provide you with marketing/advertising aids in the form of text ads, sales copy, banners, etc to use. It is quite alright for you to participate in more that one affiliate program at the same time – this greatly increases your chance of success. Incidentally, affiliate activities create a great deal of internet traffic. To further increase your chance of success with affiliate programs, only join established companies that offer well respected and popular products or services. STEP 2: Decide what you feel comfortable with Now that you have a brief idea on the most popular money-making methods, you need to decide which one appeals to you. Once you have, feel free to do more research in that area and try to get as much information as possible. Play around with a few ideas until you are sure what you want to do. STEP 3: Finding the right opportunity Once you’ve decided on what you’d like to do, you now need to find the right opportunity.
If you’ve decided to start your own web site, you need to determine what it’s going to be about. It’s best to base it upon something you have a fair knowledge of or are passionate about. If you’ve decided to take the affiliate route or to do online work for a company, make sure you are dealing with a reputable company that pays promptly. Use the search engines to find possible companies, then email these companies with any questions you have. Ask for references (people who are doing work for this company) and contact these people about their experiences. Following these simple steps should put you on the right track very quickly. All the best!
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A community concert will be talking place somewhere this weekend. A lot of preparations have been made for the event and everyone is looking forward to enjoying themselves. Would you believe me if I said that the concert was the brainchild of one individual and that this singular person put the entire event together without the help of anyone else? No, you probably wouldn’t believe me, and you’d have good reason to question the claim. Web development is a lot like a weekend concert. There are so many elements that are needed when putting a web presence together that it may be hard for one person to manage every detail. You will notice I didn’t say the development of a website, I said web development.
I believe there is a difference.
A web site can be, and often is, developed by a singular individual. In fact, web builder software can make that process much easier, but web development is forging a presence online. Not just a cyber location, but helping to create a cyber buzz through a variety of methods. Let’s go back to that community concert for a minute. What are some of the things that needed to be taken care of before the event? 1) Decision on performer(s). 2) Decision on date and location of performance. 3) Book performer and location. 4) Determine price per ticket. 5) Acquire insurance for the event. 6) Develop posters and distribute. 7) Send press release to media.
Conduct interviews when possible. 9) Line up volunteers to help take tickets, load in, feed, provide security, etc. 10) Reconcile tickets sold and money collected. 11) Issue checks for associated bills and performer fees. 12) Clean up auditorium or park area. These are just a few of the items that need to be taken care of, and one person would have a very difficult time managing every facet of the event without the help of either volunteer or paid event staff. Let’s look at a similar list for web development. 1) Decision on website design. 2) Decision on provider or host for website. 3) Pay for hosting and/or web building design options. 4) Determine items for sale through your online store.
5) Acquire knowledge-based content for use on site. 6) Develop a marketing plan. 7) Implement a marketing plan.
Develop business-networking strategies. 9) Encourage associates to consider posting on your forum or blog. 10) Reconcile orders and product fulfillment. 11) Issue checks for vendors. 12) Keep your site clear of outdates material. Web development is the all around work you will do to make your online presence known. This includes traffic building strategies as well as web design techniques. Web development is the ultimate in multi-tasking. Frankly most people can’t do every facet of web development on their own. These entrepreneurs could use some help from family friends, peer associates as well as the occasional assistance of freelance employees. Unless you are some sort of cyber super hero you will likely need some help in web development. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or to accept it if it is offered.
With its global audience, the Internet provides a unique revenue generation platform with search engines. This is where your business will be made or thrown on the refuse pile. Marketing on Search Engines – Getting the Biggest Bang for Your Buck Search engines are similar to the streets of a major city. Some search engines represent the major avenues where people congregate while others are more similar to back alleys where almost nobody goes or at least not the kind of people you want to meet in…a dark alley.
Cutting to the chase, your traffic generation efforts should focus on Google, Yahoo and MSN. These three search engines control the vast majority of traffic on the Internet. Not only do lots of people uses them to find things, the big three provide search results to many other search engines as well. For instance, Google supplies ads and search results for AOL. Dogpile compiles the various search results from the big three in its listings. Alta Vista uses Yahoo search results. This scenario is so expansive that the big three search engines are simply the only way to go. This means you need to focus on them to the exclusion of others. When you focus on these sites, two approaches can be taken – pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization. Other forms of search engine marketing, such as banner ads, produce poor results and should be avoided.
Let’s take a closer look at the big two. Pay-per-click advertising [ppc] is platform whereby you pay for placement on a search engine. The two major ppc platforms are Overture and Google Adwords. Overture places ads on the Yahoo and MSN search engines. Google Adwords places ads on Google and AOL search results. Both platforms place ads on other search engines and sites, so you will see your listings appearing everywhere. The advantage of PPC advertising is you get immediate traffic for your site. You can use the traffic to test the content on the site and whether visitors convert into paying customers. The downside is you are paying for traffic, which means you must pay close attention to your return on investment. All and all, PPC advertising should be used at the outset of a marketing campaign while you wait for optimized pages to get natural rankings. Search engine optimization [seo] is by far the most effective way to go on the big three. Once you obtain top three rankings for a keyword, you receive more traffic than you would from ppc and it is all free! This does wonders for your profitability. If you can figure out seo on your own, your cost of marketing should eventually become your time and a few dollars a month for tools.
This results in obscenely high profits margins. If you prefer to use a seo firm, your costs are going to go up significantly. Once the free traffic starts rolling in, however, you should get an excellent return on investment. The downside to seo is it takes a lot of time and work. You can expect to wait up to a year for top Google rankings, although Yahoo and MSN rankings will appear much sooner. In light of this waiting period, PPC advertising is a must at the outset of a search engine marketing campaign. Internet marketing is a fairly simple game.
Focus on the big three search engines with a combination of ppc and seo efforts. Stick to these two and you should see good results.
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