Should I Love My Home Business?

Here is a common problem I see with many home business owners.

They end up falling in love with whatever home business, product or service they are marketing. Now I am not knocking anyone who is in love with their home business. You know whatever floats your boat. But being too emotional about your home business can actually hurt your business. And I will also go into some other home business practices I find to be worthless. First you should believe in your home business and have confidence in marketing it to the masses. But you must understand your home business is a vehicle used to get you from point A to point B. Your home business is being used to help you reach whatever goal or dream you have in life. Just like if you fly from Los Angeles to New York City you do not have to love the plane in order to take the trip. The plane is just used to take you from point A to point B just like your home business. You owe no loyalty to one company and you should not feel tied down to one home business opportunity. Remember home businesses are just vehicles to take you to your goals in life, that’s it nothing more. You do not have to be loyal to one home business, you should create multiple streams of income with many different home businesses. The next gimmick I see is home business meetings where everyone is cheering and chanting. I remember my first MLM meeting and I remember walking in and thinking everyone was on something. After a few meetings I realized most of the crowd was broke and just trying to fake the funk. You do not have to cheer and chant in order to be successful at your home business. Building a home business should not be like joining a cult. Your home business should be run like a business. And in business results matter not hype. You should take this approach to your recruiting efforts as well. Do not let anyone join your downline who does not meet your standards. Do a screening process before you allow anyone to work with you. The reasons for this are plentiful. First off this is YOUR HOME BUSINESS, treat it as such. You only want quality people around you, take nothing less. If you do happen to take on a bad apple it could ruin your team and will drain your energy.

I make it clear to anyone joining my team that I am available for support but I am not here to be a babysitter. I make it clear that this is their business and they must work in order to make it a success. Keep your relationships with your team at a professional level, period. You need to make it clear this is a business, and we are here to help grow our business, that’s it. If you do start personal relationships with your team, you will see your profits dwindle and much of your time will be used playing team psychologist’s instead making your home business grow. This may seem a little too cutthroat but you must understand you cannot allow anyone to waste your time or energy. And especially when running a home business you will run across all types of characters. You must run a tight ship in order to be successful in your home business and you must understand home businesses make it possible for you to live out your financial dreams, so it is always great to have more than one.

Seven Personal Internet Marketing Mistakes

Here’re seven simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will assist you adjust your marketing strategies…which will have a GREAT result on everything you sell. 1. You don’t let people know anything about your business. They will feel more comfortable if they know who they are buying from. Publish a section called «About Us» on your web site. Include your business history, profile of employees, contact information etc. 2. You don’t make people feel secure when they order. Remind people that they are ordering through a secure server. Tell them you won’t sell their e-mail address and all their information will be kept confidential. 3. You don’t tell again people to come back and visit. People usually don’t purchase the first time they visit. The more times they visit your site, the greater the chance they will buy.

4. You don’t invest in online advertising. Follow the “First impression is the last impression” rule. Your advertiser is one who will be marketing from your side even while you are sleeping in a bed or out of vacation! Always go for economical, tested advertiser. 5. You don’t make your ad copy attractive. Your ad is not watchful. Ad does not attract at your target audience. You don’t list any testimonials or guarantees. 6. You don’t make your web site appear professional. Your web site should be easy to navigate through. The graphics should be related to the theme of your web site. 7. You don’t test and improve your ad before going online. You have to continually test and improve your ad copy to get the highest possible response rate. Ken John helps small personal website owners “do more with less” to operate and market their small and growing businesses. He is the author of How To Make Your Business Run Without Your Presence, and Instant Marketing for Small Site Owners. Carter offers FREE book chapters, and distributes free business-building advice in his twice-monthly Blog answers, available at ,one of the most reputed Pixel Page Advertising Company.

The Shocking Truth About Internet Marketing

From the desk of: John Arrington Friday 8:45 pm Home based businesses are where the average person can become rich in a short period of time. Big things are happening in cyber space. And those who have their own web site or have joined an affiliate program have caught the wave. You can reach a vast amount of people to sell your products to world wide. Never before in history has the average person been able to reach so many customers with just a flip of the wrist. All you need to make a living off the internet is: 1. A web site.

2. A hot product or program to sell. 3. And tons of traffic. The more traffic, the better your chances are at becoming rich. And some of the best places to get all this traffic are FREE. And here is a tip for any home based business: Sell more than one product from your web site is the way to go. Yes, selling more than one product is a great idea. Why? Because if one product was to slow down for some reason or the other, the other ones will carry it. So, your income would still come in. You see this way you will have multiple streams of income coming in from one web site. Here is another marketing tip: Advertise all your products or programs from one web site. This way you will only have to promote one link. And that would be a link to your web site offering all your products. Having multiple streams of income all coming in from one web site is how the big guys are making their fortunes. So why not you? All you need is a computer, web site, products or programs to sell, and a huge amount of traffic to your web site. That’s all it takes to make anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per year.

All from the comfort of your home.

But to make this happen you have to stay focused and advertise the heck out of your web site.

I mean everywhere. Free and Payed ads. Offline and online. Internet success doesn’t happen insanely, but with a lot of will power and patience you will success. It all boils down to how determined you are at becoming successful. And if your heart is not into it, you will struggle along the way. To me what could be better then working the hours you want. And make more money doing what you like to do. And that is working less or working smart. For many people business opportunities offer them the freedom they’ve been looking for. And they get to call the shots because they work from their homes. No bosses looking over their shoulders, they collect the checks. I know that I’m not comfortable having a boss looking over my shoulder. So there is money to be made from starting your own Home Based Business. Just get started. If you’re having financial difficulties right now. I want to let you know there is hope. Just start placing FREE Classified ads, join free traffic exchange web sites. Write articles and submit them FREE. Just get started TODAY, place Free Classified ads. Never let up on advertising. I guarantee, you will never run out of places to advertise your web site for FREE. “The Shocking Truth” The more you advertise, the more traffic, the more sales, the more money you will make. Hey, don’t laugh I have heard about people giving up and quitting because they wasn’t making enough money fast enough from their Internet Business.

I know what happened is, they advertised a little here and a little there. And nothing happened. Or they got so wound up in lifes shuffles and got so busy, and forgot about advertising aggressively. So their dreams slowing died. And they returned back to their 9-5 slave jobs. Don’t let this happen to you.

Stay focused on your dreams and make them come true. Just advertise the heck out of your web site. Stop Putting Off Your Future! You are not getting younger and no one will do it for you. You have to make your dreams come true. You know, one thing will never change about any business past, present, and future, they all must advertise aggressively to make a decent income. The serious money is being made by everyone who is promoting the heck out of their web site. Advertising should be our every move. Stop playing around and get serious about Advertising. You will have enough time to play later when the money starts rolling in. But until then you can’t afford not to advertise. There is nothing else whatsoever you need to do to make some serious money off the internet. And all that is, ADVERTISE, AGGRESSIVELY. I can’t tell you enough that is the SHOCKING TRUTH about Internet Marketing. ADVERTISING! Why is this so shocking? People tend to drift in their thinking. They do something for awhile and then they don’t complete what they where doing. Than they try to do something else different. So, the Shocking Truth about Internet Marketing is, Stay focused on the task before you.

And get serious about advertising.

Stop Jumping web site to web site looking for another product to sell. If you can’t get the one you have now up and running, what makes you think you could get another one up and running? The truth is stop wasting your precious time hopping web site to web site.

The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Hopping around web site to web site only detracts you from staying focused on becoming a successful Internet Entrepreneur. Just stay focused on the web site you have now. And promote the heck out of it. Until it starts producing you a very nice income. Than and only than search for another product to sell. I’m only trying to help you become successful in the shortest period of time. What I’m telling you here is what finally put me over the top. Now, I live the life that others only dream about. What I did to do this was to stop hopping web site to web site, and I started promoting the one I had. And it worked. I finally stopped searching for something else that might work quicker and bring in some money faster. This knowledge right here was the missing link or gold nugget that I was looking for. Just STOP and promote the web site you already have. There you have it. Copyright © 2006 Beyond All Rights Reserved. This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Marketing your website – Part 1 – Using articles, auctions, affiliates and auto responders

Your web site is just like your business, in fact it is an extension of your business in some cases and it IS your business in others. Your advertising campaign must address each of these methods to the best and fullest extent possible given your advertising budget. Let’s take a look at how you can use these different advertising methods to your best advantage: Using Articles to market your web site Short articles are a great way to generate traffic to your website.

Articles can be used to keep the material fresh on the site so that your customers keep coming back, they can also be used to ‘advertise’ your site on web sites owned by others.

Placing your article on article submission sites allows others to download it and use your article in their newsletters and on their web sites. Of course there are links in the article that point to your site for more information or other reviews etc. These links are great as they help increase your standings in the search engines. The articles can be about any topic and you will find there are hundreds of article submission sites available to place your articles on. Most are free as they need fresh information so that their customers keep coming back as well. is a new article submission site that I have started to give you an idea of what one is like. Feel free to post your articles on this site if they pertain to small business or home based businesses. Using Affiliates to market your web site Affiliate programs can add thousands of independent sales people to help market your products and services. Over the years I have been involved with many businesses, and one of the things I remember from my Amway days was that as an individual, I could only do so much.

I have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year in which I can work.

I will hit a maximum point of sales that I can handle by myself.

After that I’m done. The only way to do more is to automate and have others duplicate what I do. The same is true on the web. We need to automate and duplicate what we do so we can have others expand our sales for us. The first part of this equation is duplication. We can have others follow what we do and sell our products and services for us and pay them a portion of the profits. This is different than having employees. Employees have no requirement to sell. They are overhead that must be paid regardless of sales. That is NOT what you want for a new business. Keep your hard earned cash for other things. What we need is someone that is willing to do the work for part of the profits. This is where affiliate programs come in to our formula for success. Affiliates are basically a partnership between web sites to advertise and promote products, services, or information for a share of the profits. When someone they refer to you buys, you pay them a percentage of the sales. Result? More traffic, more sales and less time required by you to find the customers as someone else does it for you. What else can a good affiliate program do for you? • How about driving more traffic to your site! • Build brand awareness as more people visit your site from the hundreds or thousands of affiliates that are advertising for you.

• Obtaining qualified leads that you can follow-up on to increase or up sell to. • Increasing the links to your site which will increase the ranking of your site on the search engines resulting in more traffic and more sales. There are all kinds of affiliate programs. Some programs charge to be a member and some do not. Some are web based and some are software programs that you load on your computer to set up and track the sales and affiliate yourself. Which one you use is up to you. Here are a few that I have found. Affiliate Net – This is one of the more affordable server side affiliate programs.

With this software there are no monthly fees only a one time software charge. At the time of this writing this package sold from $49.95 to $99.95. Referral Software – This package is also server side although more expensive, it has many more features and is worth while to consider if you are serious about earning a lot of money with your Internet business. At the time of this writing this package sold for $299.00. Click Bank – This is a web based affiliate program. By signing up on their web site you have access to over 100,000 affiliates. There are monthly and set up fees. clixGalore Affiliate Networks – This is a web based affiliate program. There are monthly and set up fees. I highly recommend affiliate programs. For the reasons listed above. Remember they will help drive traffic to your site, which means more sales and you can use the affiliate programs to offer others services and make the commission once you are done with the client. This could be a good business all by its self. Using Auctions to market your web site Ok, you have a product or service you want to sell; you need to let people know about that product or service and you don’t have much money to spend. Imagine a place that gets over 3 million customers that are ready, able, willing and looking to buy everyday. It is a Super Mall! Ask any business person what they would pay to be in a mall that got 3 million visitors a day.

You can see the dollar signs light up in their eyes… both in terms of cost and sales potential.

Remember my goal from earlier in the course when we talked about business planning? I need to have 4200 visitors a month come to my web site in order to sell 420 copies according to my business plan.

Well E-Bay gets 3 million visitors a day! Do you think that might be a place that I would want to advertise my books or my web site? You bet! In fact I have sold quite a few of my other books on E-Bay as well as bottles, baseball cards, clothing, computers, software, training, video and much more. So can you. Let’s take my Weekend Chef’s guides and see how I can sell them on E-Bay, Yahoo Auctions, or MSN Auctions. First I need an account. This is simple, but does vary based on who you are signing up with. Follow the instructions (at the end of this page is an excellent course on how to really make money on auctions, but this will get you started). Once you have an account, we now need to place something for sale. Think of the auction site as your web site As such we need to create a web page that offers you product/service for sale.

I use a software package call Auction Wizard 2000.

They have an excellent program that allows you to try it for 60 days before you have to register. It is so easy to use as well. Using Auction Wizard, I can create an auction page and automatically post it and repost as needed to any of the supported auctions. No special knowledge of html is required.

Simple fill in the blanks and add any pictures or graphics and I’m done.

It also will track the sales, send emails to successful bidders, track inventory and so much more. If you are thinking of doing auctions, this is one piece of software to take a hard look at. Back to selling my guides and building my business. Within the auction listing, I can place a link to my site, offer a free download of some chapters of the book, of course, I will need your email before you can download. Remember, I need to keep you coming back. Be careful here, E-Bay does not like you selling outside of their auction so make sure the visitor is not allowed to buy from your site at that link. Well, now we have given something away for free (a chapter of the book), we have the visitors email address, and we hopefully will get a bid on the product/service. If not, we have the email to follow up. What has it cost us? Each item up for auction on E-Bay cost ….

are you ready for this 30 cents to list it plus a small percentage of the selling cost. If I list my Weekend Chef’s Guide to Sushi on E-Bay with a starting price of say $1 it will cost me a total of about 30 cents for the week. 30 cents to reach millions of potential customers a day. If I sell the book, I will have recovered my 30 cents and started building my customer email list as well. Now I could write a whole web site on using auctions, but this page is just h
ow to use auctions to market your business.

You can sell items and make a profit or you can just list items and build a customer database to market to later. Either way Auctions make a great way to market your business. I have on my website a couple more tips on using auctions as well at or visit my eBay store for other eBooks that are available from time to time. Using Auto responders to market your web site Depending on the products, services or information you are selling auto responders may be able to automate a good portion of your web site business. An auto responder is a piece of software that checks email for certain words or phrases and responds according to your wishes. For example, you may have received a newsletter by sending an email to me with Subscribe as the subject. My auto responder sees that email come in and has a set of actions defined that when the subject has subscribe in it that it will email back to you our newsletter. Another thing that the auto responders can do is following up with your customers at predetermined times with a predetermined letter. This is good for driving traffic to your site after they have visited and left their email address such as to subscribe to a newsletter or download a free chapter of an e-book or other information you have made available. For my training business I send up to 4 different emails to each person that request my guide to increase their income.

Each email introduces them to other benefits and services that are available. Some of the emails will offer a discount or free training class as an incentive to sign up for a class. All of it done without me having to get involved. Auto responders can be installed on your computer or used via the Internet. Some are free and others you have to pay either by the email address or based on the number of responses you want to program it to respond to. Here are some links to auto responders on the web as well as a software package with a trial version you can use yourself. Promasoft: This is the one we use with our servers. I highly recommend. They have a trial version that is a full version. It places a header in the outgoing email, so you will want to register once you have it up and running.

I think it is a great program. GetResponse: This is also a great program, although, this one is a subscription service. It can be a less expensive way to try out an auto responder. They do offer a free account as well. This is part one of a multi-part series of Marketing you web site. In the next section we will cover marketing you web site using banner ads and classified ads .

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